I have soo many questions regarding my bowel incontinence


Staff member
Fair warning huge rant and explainin ahead,
Well it all started one evening when i was getting ready to hit the hey. I was sitting on the bed drinking a glass of water when blamm! A void of diarrhea comes out messing my pants and the mattress. I was ashammed confused and a little shaken up so i quickly ran into the bathroom where i keep a set of wipes and started trying to clense myself when i quickly realized all i was doong was spreading the lipid residue. So i then hopped into the shower and started washing off, it took forever! After i was finished i changed the sheets and thorughly cleaned the mattress and i tried not to worry about it while going to sleep. All was calm until about 4:37 in the morning when the same whole deal happened! So i completed the same task of cleaning and went right back to sleep. The next day wasn't so hot either. I packed a spare change of clothes for work just in case and right as i arrived at the office about a quart and a half of diarrhea spilled through my khakis and onto the parking lot there weren't many people around so i quickly went to a nearby gym to use their shower i was so embarrased. Afterward i finally cleaned up and ran to the nearest drug store and picked up a pack of Depends (boy did that work NOT)and put on a pair of fit flex briefs. After looking around i found a diaper with tapes at walgreens called certainty and they have worked alright for a little bit but my condition is getting worse and they cant keep up with the amount of fecal matter im voiding. It has been day after day of sudden uncotrollable diarrhea spills and humiliation and i dont even know the cause of this and my doctor has no answears. There are so many questions i have. What is a good adult diaper brand i should use? How do i clean myself up without having to shower? How can i sleep at night without a spill on my mattress. Im a fairly heathly man in his 40s i cant live like this. Please tell me im desparate.
Get to a doctor to start. Depends are absolute trash when it comes to protection. There was a time when depends were half decent, but Kimberly Clark only cares about profits at he expense of people. They are a shot company with shut products. Check out NorthShore and talk to someone with live chat to get the right product for you and get to a doctor ASAP.
I concur first definitely see your doctor second find a quality diaper as Spaz said Depends are absolute trash

Spaz said:
Get to a doctor to start. Depends are absolute trash when it comes to protection. There was a time when depends were half decent, but Kimberly Clark only cares about profits at he expense of people. They are a shot company with shut products. Check out NorthShore and talk to someone with live chat to get the right product for you and get to a doctor ASAP.
Diaper options could be like megamax from north shore or Abena like m4’s, better dry or rearz to name a few. With bowel issues you are going to want a full tape on brief in order to get a close fit. Avoid pull ons would be another piece of advice especially since you are dealing primarily with bowel issues.

Hope you find something that works for you. I can guarantee there is something out there that will. ;).

It does get easier to deal with once you get the right products and get used to dealing with it. Also forsure go see a doctor to ensure everything is okay. As hard as it maybe to go. Don’t worry about it as honestly doctors have seen and heard it all. Just be completely honest with them so they can give you the best care they can. Don’t let something you feel is embarrassing stop you. Otherwise you are just letting yourself down.

Glad you found us and wish you all the best.


So sorry for your troubles. For quick clean-up at home, I recommend purchasing a Sitz Bath at medical supply store. It's like a toilet seat with a bowl center. You fill with warm water and sit, then dump down toilet. (A European Bidet would be ideal!) It might help to watch your diet, like eating firmer foods like Rice Krispies & bananas, oatmeal, apples,pasta. Avoid fatty or fried foods or too acid, vinagery foods like pickles. In other words a bland diet until you can see a dietician at your local hospital for better suggestions. A quick few doses of "Imodium" can be a lifesaver. In the long run you have to see a specialist for tests and a diagnosis. Your current doctor doesn't seem to have the proper experience to be of help since he dismissed you with no answers. Don't give up, persevere until you find the right doctor who offers better advice. Good Luck and God Bless!
Go to a GI doc and if he/she cannot help you significantly get a 2nd option. Start a diary with what you eat and drink and a description of your stools, times, amount, consistency etc. Take this information to your Doctor appointment. The above suggestions regarding diaper products, Imodium etc are a good start. I am sure you will have several procedures scheduled. Good luck. Keep us posted. PS use dial soap in your shower. Docs recommend for keeping areas extra clean.
Sounds like colitis to me. I had it a couple of years ago, but mine got worse gradually. At first I kind of liked it since all my life I've had the opposite problem and it was kind of nice to poop without blood & pain. However when it got to several bouts of diarrhea a day it was time to go to a doctor. If yours doesn't have the answer ask him to send you to someone who does.
I should also add a diaper cover like those sold by Gary Wear is essential for bowel incontinence. Keeps in the smell and leaks. Also Abena makes special pads for bowel incontinence you can use with a diaper. I'm going to try those for my upcoming colonoscopy.
I'm in my 40s and have had bowel troubles for over 15 years.
I find with proper diet and timing I can mostly control my problems. I have an accident around twice a month and sometimes at night so I almost always have protection on. I agree with others that a tab style diaper with a tight fitting diaper cover is best. I find a lighter weight diaper is better and more comfortable. You dont need all the absorbancy of something like a megamax. A tranquility slimline or similar will work just fine. You just need to contain it and hold smells in.
As for clean ups... nothing beats your own shower. I try like hell not to use a public restroom and if no smells are getting out I will just wear it until I get home. I have tough skin and don't get rashes often.. so Im blessed there.
If I absolutely have to take care of the issue in a public restroom I switch the diaper out and don't get to crazy with the wiping. Your just going to get it everywhere. Switch your diaper with a clean one, get the big stuff.... and go with the flow. know what Im saying?
Im dealing with bowel troubles as well. I have an appointment with my GP on thursday. For me i can just never make it to the toilet. I know part of it is my mobility (im an amputee) but there is more to it. My stomach cramps amd i always am going. I wear either abena or betterdry depending on what i can afford that month. I posted about an embarassing accident i had at a friends but thankfully it hasnt happened out much. If im going out i tend to not eat anything so i wont upset my stomach but ill be going on a road trip next weekend for my birthday and we will be eating out at a couple of places so hopefully ill be ok. I understand what you are going through. Bowel problems are the pits
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