How am I doing


Staff member
Monday will be 3 weeks after robot assisted prostate surgery. I put a Depends underwear with a light Depends pad after my morning shower. I normally go thru 2 pads a day with underwear staying relatively dry. I work on Kegal exercises. When urinating, I can stop and start several times. I am 63 and just not sure how I am progressing. I obviously have dribble occurring but normally can't tell when it's happening. But I can tell when I have to urinate fully. My stream appears strong. I don't see my surgeon again until April 13th.
It sounds like to me you are doing quite well. The dribbling and not realizing it was quite normal for me. I also had the feeling I was leaking at times when I actually was not. It takes a while but sounds like you are on the right track.
You are doing great. I was about at the same point you are one month after surgery. Keep doing the Kegels and after about 3-4 months you will have a light pad on “just in case.” After one year sometimes I forget to use a pad. Now you can begin working to fix the ED issue.
Good Luck
I appreciate the responses. All this is new to me even though I did as much research as possible which is why I chose removal versus radiation. I will say the Foley catheter was the most painful part of recovery from having it inserted 12 days. If I am missing anything in my recovery steps, please speak up. Glad I found this site!
Sound like Superman to me. I was 3-6 depends for 3 months, now 5 months out and 1 pad a day. Recovery is slow for most. Keep it up.
I'm also 63 & had removal back the 1st of November 2021. My problem is the stress incontinence. Movement,coughing,sneezing, etc. are just murder on my bladder. I've done so many kegels, I think I could crack walnuts if I wanted to. I too had the dribbling issue & sometimes feel as if I'm leaking to find nothing. It's really upsetting to me & I'm always worried someone will see me with wet spots & be embarrassed beyond belief. As Nick said next comes the ED issues & I don't mean to scare you but, that's another animal altogether. Urologist recommended a pump & it's helped some but not where I want it to be. Luckily for me I have a understanding spouse & she's aware that this is going to be a year or better recovery. Good Luck. Bob
I had a female nurse practioner remove my catheter. I told her I was an avid golfer and read stories about bending down to tee the ball or take it out of the, guys would leak. She told me any stress movements like that or cough, sneeze, etc. Do a Kegal and hold it until the stress is over. Give it a shot Bob.
I’d say you are doing really well! 1 month post surgery also, but 15 years younger. I’ve found if i drink a couple of beers, I’ll leak worse for the next 2 days. Just started the ED treatment 2 days ago…..
I agree with others, you sound like you’re doing great. You’re certainly progressing faster than I did!

You didn’t mention anything about walking. Many here are convinced that regular walks help with recovery. I think that’s probably right, but it would be something to ask your PT about.

One thing about kegels…..I seem to here more and more PT's on YouTube say it really helps to do kegels in a standing position. That’s something else to ask your PT about. Best of luck and keep up the good work.
Appreciate the good vibes! I do walk quite a bit. I went back to work after 2 weeks. It's part time since I am retired. Ony 3 6 hour shifts. Went to my son's house Friday and did some trim carpentry work for him. So I am staying as active as my body will let me. Heading to Florida early April for 8 days of golf if my body permits. If not, sunshine and 85 is better than Indiana right now!
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