Hospital kicks man out. WTH!!!!


Staff member
Yea. That hospital better has a really good lawyer because they are going to need it. And they said it was medicare fault

This is completely sickening and unconscionable!!!! And yet this is in America, the place where people from all over the world want to come to?????????? And is this the America of the future, where if you can't pay you have no business darkening our doorstep? And for a "hospital" to take that kind of attitude just makes me ashamed to be a member of a society where money rules everything, including humanity and compassion!!! What happened to our old compassionate country of so long ago???
But thankfully we still have fine folks like Officer Freeman and the Conyers Police force who are seeing what's wrong with the direction we're going in. I hope they do what they can to arrest those in that "hospital" who are responsible for kicking this gentleman out onto the street when he was clearly and without a shadow of doubt in no condition to go it on his own!!!!!
And I hope the gentleman sues the Piedmont "healthcare" system for every red cent they have!!!!
Sure Conyers, Ga., is not exactly in a lot of peoples' backyards but if it can happen to one person there then it can happen to any of us and that's the part that makes me scared of our future!
This YouTube should definitely go viral and be sent to every insurance provider and health care facility they can think of!!! If this isn't a wake-up call then I don't know what is!!!!!
This happened at the University of New Mexico Hospital in 2019 to my friend Philip who had terminal colon cancer. it's been so long now that I don't remember if it was the maximum days that the hospital said a person could stay or if it was his insurance that wouldn't pay past a certain number of days. At any rate, he called me and said they were making him leave. Another friend rented a room in a motel that rented by the week or month. She was able to get a fold-up bed in the room for herself and stayed with him. It had a kitchenette too. She was a full-time teacher and also a long-time friend of Philip. After two months she was able to get him into a "retirement village" with hospice. It was a small room with a cot for her and a mini refrigerator. This is a complex story that doesn't end here but I wanted you to know that this story is not unique. This kind of thing is and has been happening for a long time.

It happened to my husband too, although it wasn't that they kicked him out, it was that they insisted on "releasing" him, that "he would be okay." Well EMS returned him to the hospital one hour after he had been released. The EMS attendant said Bill should have never been released in the first place. And when a person from the finance department came to his room to collect the admission fee, I nearly exploded. But very firmly and assertively I said, "I'm not paying it." She smiled, nodded her head and left the room. They never billed me. A lawyer said there wasn't enough money in a possible lawsuit for him to take the case. Sometimes it's best to just accept that the world is not perfect and move on. I didn't want to spend the next five years going in and out of court either, for justice that would end up taking a chunk out of my own life. So the hospital got away with it, so to speak.

It's obvious that our healthcare "system" is not about health, but it is about money and politics. Too bad for us poorer patients. Our Congress opposes Medicare for all, and we are, derogatorily, labeled "Socialists," when all we want is to be treated humanely and according to our need.
I do think people who willfully refuse to get the COVID vaccines and then get COVID, gobbling up our hospital space, should be refused by hospitals to make sure there’s room for those of who take care of ourselves and for our fellow humans by getting the vaccines. I broke my foot in four places four weeks ago. All of the breaks were displaced. I had to wait two weeks to get surgery (two plates and 14 screws) because most of the operating rooms have been turned into rooms for COVID patients sho never got their vaccines.

Also, my doctor wanted me to stay over for two nights because I live alone, but of course I didn’t get to, because the rooms are full of rotting COVID bodies of people who refused to get vaccinated.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know a *very few* people - less than 0.1% - have conditions that prevent them from being able to receive the vaccine. But not half the country.

As for the article, yes, things like that happen all the time in this country. The medical field can get away with anything, just like cops. They get away with literal murder.
Amen, @Dino, that's something that is sorely missing!!!
And Snow, I hope your foot is better and you're on the road to recovery!!! That must be a huge inconvenience and best wishes for getting well soon!
The Dalai Lama said this his religion is kindness. What kind of society have we become? Horrifying. I wonder if there was anyone in his room who objected to his discharge. I hope he is getting better treatment now.
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