Hospital bedwetting


Staff member
Spent 6 days in the hospital last week. I told them I bed wet. The hospital diapers are the worst I have ever used. One good pee, and they are full. Good thing as soon as I paged for a nurse, they came in and changed me. I used a urinal when I was awake, and missed it quite a few times and peed on the floor. I told them I need a half of a viagra,so I have something to grasp when I pee. (LMAO) Glad I am home now.
yes most Hospitals have terrible adult diapers they buy the cheapest diapers they can get and bill a premium price for them at least they didn't force you to use a Foley
If you have not seen a prior post of mine, the note below was sent to another of our group with mostly night leakage issues. The info below may prove beneficial to you. Best wishes.

"The luck of the draw or surgery was not in your far, which has been my case, as well. I will give you a brief message and will add more info if you are interested. I'm a 3 liner/day guy post surgery...normally. About five years ago, after not finding a suitable management alternative, I, with an engineer partner, began developing a soft-body sleeve device that impedes leakage. It's designed to put pressure on the urethra with limited perimeter pressure to ensure good circulation. We have filed for patent protection and are seeking an industry partner to which we may license our Relax for Men device. It is not for sale, as yet, but if you have an interest in joining our 3 dozen volunteers to test it we would welcome you. There would be no cost to you, though we would ask that you share your thoughts and observations. I'm no longer seeking volunteers, generally, but since I understand your situation is not acceptable in the long term, I'm offering you what should be the solution you are hoping to find. If you would like info on our device before taking a small leap, contact me here or at Best wishes, Duane"
Artiejr: All my hospital stays, if I was unconscious for surgery meant i got a catheter for a few days, after. My last surgery was supposed to be a 3-5 day stay and they stretched it to over 3 weeks. No explanations. First week, they wouldn't even let me out of bed, then finally to a chair. I had to be accompanied by a nurse to the bathroom, after that, but once the catheter was out, they used a diaper on me for 2 weeks. Not sure why. The type made it nearly impossible to use a urinal in time. They were not fast to answer a call - waited too long, the diaper became necessary. They were the my first diapers in all the years since i got incontinence. I came to hate their type/brand - but never found out which brand they used.
I had never bed wet - just needed a pad, maybe 3-4 times a day. I needing a diaper for over a month, for that one. It took several brands at home to find one that worked for me.
I had 2 choices of hospitals. How do you choose? That doesn't come up in "reviews". My 1st knee replacement went ok, there, so i chose that one. If I'm conscious, I'll grab a plane ride (3 1/2 hours trip) to a better one, even if I have to buy diapers as a precaution.
Hospitals differ more than I ever thought. An awful lot of us find their diapers bad. (Must be cheap). I'll bring my own, next time, you should too.
I don't know what the hospital paid for them, but I know what they charged Medicare and the Insurance. Hyway robbery.
They insisted I was so disabled that I needed full assistance at home. I got home, I didn't need it, asked why. I was told they gave me that evaluation so the insurance would pay. Now we know why - they enrich themselves and the visiting home health services.
We all need to scrutinize the bills and file protests. With our congressional representatives, if necessary.
We also need to file protests/bad evaluations with the hospitals. They CAN'T be paying much for that crap. They get it by the truck load. Hell, they'd get them cheaper from COSTCO.
@artiejr I hear you. I didn’t bring enough nappies with me to my last hospital admission (rookie error not accounting for overnight IV fluids) and ended up in flimsy hospital ones for the last two nights of my stay. After soaking the bed a couple of times on that first night, I was able to get by on the second night by sleeping on top of a couple of Blueys and setting an alarm to change myself. I won’t be making that mistake again.
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