Hidden cancer


New member
My prostrate was removed in March if this year! I have 100% incontence and now my PSA keeps going up. I’ve had a PET scan and last week I had a MRI to try and find the cancer that is making my PSA increase. Both scans showed no cancer. My urologist put me on hormone pills and is scheduling me for pelvic radiation and said there is a 50% chance that the cancer is in my pelvic area! My concern is if the radiation dose t change anything and there is still cancer somewhere what’s next! I’ve also heard stories that some men just have a high PSA after their prostrate is removed. My PSA was .499 a few months after surgery and the last time it was checked a few weeks ago it went up to .969 ! Frustrated!!
Rdj67 - I feel for you. I can not give advice since I am good 4 years after my prostatectomy.

I see this is your third post and wanted to let you know you are being heard.

There are several treatment options after prostatectomy and radiation.

I suggest creating a free account with HealthUnlocked and signing up for a few of their forums.

HealthUnlocked users will want you to put your information in your profile such as location (so they can tell what major centers of treatment are near you), diagnosis, treatment, dates, etc (What was your gleason score, where was the cancer (prostate only, seminal vessels, lymph nodes). The Healthunlocked users are hard core into research and provide a lot of information to help you.

This forum discusses advanced treatments

This is my profile on HealthUnlocked

Tall_Allen is a patient advocate - provides a lot of researched based information. He will ask for links when he has not heard of something and do his research.
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