hey all just checking in


Staff member
sorry i havent been around much, i moved recently. moved into a studio apartment in a great neighborhood. i now have a "diaper closet" and didnt realize just how much back stock i had until i moved. i posted about my fear of the moving company saying something about my diapers but nothing was said. everything went smooth (except moving the cat. that was a nightmare! but i got her here)
im all unpacked and settled in. i did find out that i have to have another surgery on my stump. not happy at all about that. it appears i have a neuroma. thats where the nerves keep growing in the amputated leg and form a ball at the end of the stump. just another setback but ill survive.

things are all in all pretty good.

hope everyone is well.
Hi it has been a while how nice it is to hear from you I am happy you were able to move and all went well with your move except for the cat. Things are doing well here although it looks like I too will be moving in the next year I haven't heard anything officially but there this was on the news recently that they want to build a new gas station

justej said:
sorry i havent been around much, i moved recently. moved into a studio apartment in a great neighborhood. i now have a "diaper closet" and didnt realize just how much back stock i had until i moved. i posted about my fear of the moving company saying something about my diapers but nothing was said. everything went smooth (except moving the cat. that was a nightmare! but i got her here)
im all unpacked and settled in. i did find out that i have to have another surgery on my stump. not happy at all about that. it appears i have a neuroma. thats where the nerves keep growing in the amputated leg and form a ball at the end of the stump. just another setback but ill survive.

things are all in all pretty good.

hope everyone is well.
So cool. Glad the move was smooth,(exception the cat of course, but that's cats for you). Glad the movers were professional and all went without comment or issue.
Movers actually i bet its like retail clothing sales. I would have people come to return some item and blather on about how embarrassing they were doing another return again and id think ive never seen you before i dont care and all that matters is i do my part correctly to recieve the item per store they probably were just grateful you didnt have boxes marked "fragile". Diapers are so easy!
I love Kole! I will post a photo of my Whiskey sometime. He's a little old terrier-mix. I love him to pieces.

@justej So glad your move went well, and I hope your cat has recovered from the experience. Bummer that you will need to have another surgery. Hope it will go well, and that you won't need another one.
Im sorry to hear your having to have another surgery. Glad your move went well, moving or traveling with most cats is pretty tough. All of mine start yowling and can get pretty loud when in a vehicle.
Thanks everyone. I have discovered I have a very touchy fire alarm which is annoying. Emma the cat is settling in ok. Except my aid moved her carrier and she ran under the bed and hasn't been seen since. She will come out eventually though.
I have a cat that doesnt like strangers either. One of my nephews was here for a little bit saterday and my cat hid for about 24 hours.

Shes out from under the bed

I found out that my surgery is next friday. There is a possibility i may not be able to use my prosthetic and never walk again. Ugh
nice photo

that would suck we will pray for you

justej said:

Shes out from under the bed

I found out that my surgery is next friday. There is a possibility i may not be able to use my prosthetic and never walk again. Ugh
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