@Overflowing1068 What you are experiencing is entirely normal and will continue for a few weeks. Some of the muscles that control your bladder have been removed with the prostate and the remaining are traumatised and will not start to recover for a while. Generally around the 2-3 month mark post surgery you should start to notice a steady improvement, not dramatic overnight improvement, but steady ongoing improvement going forward.
I am currently 3 1/2 months post my surgery and have been noticing a steady improvement in bladder control for the last few weeks.
If you are able to find one, seeing a physiotherapist who specialises in the pelvic area may help immensely in understanding exactly what you are dealing with, why pelvic floor muscle exercises (aka kegels) will help, and how to do the kegels properly using the correct muscles. Building up your pelvic floor muscles through the kegels will help when your remaining bladder control muscles start to recover and come back into play.
In the meantine you will find in the short term that resting and limiting your movement as much as you can will help with the leakage.