Having to Wake up 3-4 times a night to go pee!


Staff member
A couple days ago, and up to about 3 weeks before then, I was drinking about 3-4 Diet Cokes a day and no water or any tea during the day. Then, I was having to wake up 3-4 times each night to go pee! Well, yesterday, I decided to nip it in the bud, and only had a couple cups of coffee around noon. Nothing else all day long, and I peed alot yesterday, like every 2 hours, even though all i'd had was those two cups of coffee around noon. Like for instance, I had to pee like crazy around 4 yesterday afternoon. I went to bed, and still, for some unknown reason, had to get up twice to pee during the night. Can anybody tell me why this may be? Have I not given the Diet Coke enough time to get out of my system or something? I mean, yes, twice, is alot better than 4 times a night, but i'd rather sleep all throughout the night if i can help it! I'm just 41!
Can't rule out sleep apena. Talk to your doctor and have the doc run some tests to rule out the obvious first. Then go in to have a sleep test done.
So sorry to hear this is happening to you. I'll give you my standard answer: See your doctor. Always the best place to start. Wishing you all the best and let us know how your appointment goes.
Everyone here will advise you to see a doctor. Possible UTI.
Before my problems started, I was up 4 or 5 times some nights. Maybe because I was just plain exhausted, I started not waking up at all and wetting my bed.
The first time was when I was 48 years old. I woke up wet and thought, "Huh!". Two weeks later, it happened again. That's what really rang my bell. I got cleaned up and went to the store and bought a pack of Depends. Depends or other store brands is pretty much how we all start out. Over the next month I was online a lot finding better and better diapers and educating myself about bedwetting and causes of it. I did try pullups, but they just aren't effective for me. I still wear them sometimes though, depending on what kind of day I'm having, what I'll be doing and how my "trend" has been going.
For me, the trend has been as long as 10 months wet every morning to 5 months waking up dry and everything in between. Yesterday and the day before, I woke up dry, but not this morning. I don't trust myself anymore so no matter what, I wear a diaper every night and daytime too.
It's hard to accept at first, but wearing diapers has been the game changer for me. Best decision I have made to manage this. I sleep all night every night anymore.
You'll find a lot of good people here and a lot of answers from people that have been there before your problems started. So, welcome and don't be afraid to ask questions.
But definitely rule out a urinary infection.
I would suggest seeing a doctor, too. But also cut down on your caffeine intake. Even two cups of coffee during the day is going to cause the need to pee more than if you didn't have any caffeine. Caffiene is a diuretic ... meaning it causes you to pee more fluid than you took in during the day. Just stay away from the caffeine and see if that changes the number of times you wake up.

I try to not drink too much of anything in the evenings, and that seems to reduce the number of times I wake up to go to the bathroom.

This is a great group on the message board. Keep letting us know how you are doing, so that we can share our experiences with you and encourage you!
That Diet Coke can be more potent than you think! My Wife was going through a rough patch with her work & volunteering with Alzheimer’s patients and out of nowhere she was up to 4-6 bottles of DC a day. She gained 18 lbs over 2 months and she only weighs around 100lbs. to start with. She flushed it all out with just water over a couple of weeks and was running to the bathroom like crazy and she doesn’t share our problems! If it doesn’t stop, see the Doc!
I was going to suggest nothing but water for a while and just see the results. Obviously the Dr and UTI checks, but I went totally and strictly water after my catheter came out...for a while.

Then slowly added stuff back to see what caused issues and what didn't.

Just an idea...

Good luck & +God+bless+
I would definitely see a doctor. I have Neurogenic Bladder that stems from permanently damaged bladder nerves after I fell down a cliff. Basically, no matter what I do, I pee very frequently, and especially all night long, unfortunately.
I second what everyone said about seeing a doctor. You might have a bladder condition that can be treatable with medicine or an underlying illness.

Do you have to go multiple times throughout the night as in when you are awake you are frequently passing urine or are you just going once and going back to sleep?

For myself; I suffer from very bad spasms so no matter how close I am to the bathroom more bad nights than good- the paimful spasms win.

Daytime knock on wood- haven't been so bad; I'm in a rough patch as we speak but I try nor to get down on myself.

I hope you find answers and a cure for your symptoms.

I would check in with your doctor if medical issue. I think all caffeine you are drinking, caffeine can aggravated your bladder and cernten juices do the same thing. By drinking soda and cernten juices will make you go more to bathroom. That's why doctors say drink plain water in stead of caffeine drinks.
Soda not juice don’t increase my bladder output any more than water. In fact, water seems to go out of me the very fastest. Alcohol, coffee, and stimulating medications definitely increase my frequency by 2-3x. Everyone is different. Some say spicy food increases their frequency, but not for me.
I can relate, I was diagnosed with Nocturia a few years ago after my Surgery for diverticulitis. It’s inconvenient but I’m used to it by now and thankfully I can fall back asleep very fast after I Get back from the bathroom. At most I get up twice a night.
3-4x a night seems excessive and as others point out very well here, see a doctor to be sure it’s not related to another condition.
As a precaution, be sure that there is noting that would trip you up on your way to the bathroom since you might be half asleep.
Good luck
It is considered abnormal for anyone of any age to get up even once per night to pee on a regular basis. For those over 60+ years of age, they do tend to wake up early, about seven hours after going to bed, to pee, and often have a hard time going back to sleep. Any greater, or earlier, frequency than that should be explored by a Urologist.

Nocturia can be a sign of Diabetes Insipidus, or kidney/liver failure, or severe spinal damage (Google Cauda Equina syndrome). No matter what, you need to know what’s causing the Nocturia. There are special meds that can quickly and easily fix you if you have Diabetes Insipidus. The most common cause of Nocturia is drinking too much alcohol, too close to bed. But if you eliminate that and continue to experience Nocturia, it’s definitely wise to consult a Urologist, because you may even have cancer, and certainly, the earlier the diagnosis with that, the better chance of survival.

If you’re like me with spinal damage causing nerve damage (Neurogenic Bladder), there is no cure and medications provide no benefit because the root cause is embedded so deeply at the infinitesimal nerve level. But Botox injections can work very well because they freeze your bladder nerves. Most people on the forum who have tried it have loved it. But first things first, one must see a Urologist!
Snow makes some great points and a Urologist should be consulted or at the very least your primary care physician. As with most people here, I had some major surgeries over the past few years but thankfully, issues are getting better over time. 90% of the time my body wakes me up to use the bathroom which is a huge improvement from a year ago. I will never be 100% because of the scar tissue and multiple hernias from my 3 resection surgeries but I’m thankful to still be among the living. I was informed that the procedures to remove the scar tissue may only cause more scarring. There are so many products on the market today with all levels of protection to help us manage our conditions. Find one that’s right for you, trial and error. I can’t stress enough to ensure your pathway to the bathroom is clear so you don’t trip and fall while you’re half asleep. And of course, see a specialist. Happy Holidays to everyone and hopefully a “Dryer” New Year!
@donny4 I pray for nights where I don’t wake up 12 times to pee. I’d so much rather wake up to a soaking wet diaper than to have to get up so many times to pee. Longterm sleep deprivation is a really big deal; it affects every system in my body. I hate it. I already had insomnia to begin with but now I have to led every 5-60 minutes, too?
This is how I was the first couple years after I started having continence issues: I'd wake up two, three, four times a night with my bladder about to bust, and I didn't always make it to the toilet. This progressed to wetting the bed and then just wetting myself.

(When I started wetting the bed, it was actually a relief. I slept much better and woke up to a soaked diaper.)
I have to admit that quite soon as my urge incontinence started I also had my struggles in the night. At the beginning I wore some Tena Pants, which were OK during the day, also in bed. But from bad childhood experience I'm really afraid of wetting my bed, so I woke up up to eight times in the night with the slightest urge to pee, got up and back to bed and trying to get back to sleep. After a few days I already remarked my enormous lack of deep sleep and knew that I had to change something - so I switched in the evening to a "real" Diaper (Tena Maxi). Now, knowing that this one does not tend to leak, I found some deeper sleep - but waking up still 3-4 times with the urge, getting up to the bathroom, fiddling with the tapes of the diaper to refasten them afterwards led to the result, that most of my pee anyway went into the diaper before I could use the toilet. So, after re-thinking (and discussing with my wife) I decided just to stay in bed and use my diaper. It took only a few days until I had the routine - if the urge comes - simply to roll on my back, let it go and within shortest time to be back in deep sleep. Maybe some of you think it's embarrassing or strange to do this, but what counts for me is the result - I have enough deep sleep phases and restful nights (and a soaked diaper in the morning...)!
Hbic60 I am in the same boat. I’ve recently started having urge incontinence. I use a pull up during the day and tried that at night. The first night I leaked. I also was getting up numerous times during the night and not always making it to the toilet anyways. I was a zombie for a few days due to lack of a good sleep. I decided to wear a diaper to bed and do what you do. I just roll onto my back and let it go. I’m not even really conscious at that point. Then I fall right back asleep. This has helped tremendously so far and my wife is good with it too. Still trying to find out from doctors what has caused this sudden urge incontinence though. That is very frustrating. I’ve had a bad upper respiratory infection for 8 weeks and they can’t find what the cause of that is either. I’ve been put in a lot of steroids and antibiotics that haven’t helped. Hopefully they sent me to a urologist to get answers.
Joeblow said:
Hbic60 I am in the same boat. I’ve recently started having urge incontinence. I use a pull up during the day and tried that at night. The first night I leaked. I also was getting up numerous times during the night and not always making it to the toilet anyways. I was a zombie for a few days due to lack of a good sleep. I decided to wear a diaper to bed and do what you do. I just roll onto my back and let it go. I’m not even really conscious at that point. Then I fall right back asleep. This has helped tremendously so far and my wife is good with it too. Still trying to find out from doctors what has caused this sudden urge incontinence though. That is very frustrating. I’ve had a bad upper respiratory infection for 8 weeks and they can’t find what the cause of that is either. I’ve been put in a lot of steroids and antibiotics that haven’t helped. Hopefully they sent me to a urologist to get answers.

I wonder if the steroids and antibiotics could be the culprit!
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