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has anyone been incontinent for over 12 months after robotic prostate surgery, if so how many pads do you get through 8n a day
I am only 6 weeks after surgery.

I tried doing the search, but I think to many words.

I found the following post / thread where people mention being 7 to 12 months after Prostatectomy.

You may need to ask the question again with a title "12 months after Prostatectomy" - just a suggestion - People receive an email with the subject of the topic.


I’ve been incontinent for 4 years after my robotic prostatectomy.
I’m not sure what you are looking for but I’ll quickly review my story.
The inccntinence really blew me away and dominated every aspect my life.
I did 12 weeks of kegel exercises with a physical therapist, I walked 3-4 miles/day. I did weight exercises for the inner thighs The end result was virtually totally incontinent
For the 1st year I was going through 4-6 pads a days. Only wore dark pants, every outing was planed around the availability of bathrooms. I kept spare clothing in my car.
Incontinence is really a personal issue, cancer is a group concern. If you accept your new reality then there is no issue.
I was told after 18 months it is what it is and you’ll need to adapt. Adapt I did and I transitioned to penile clamps and motored on for an 3 additional years.
I endured an unaccountable number of strange situations because of my incontinence. Incontinence is a very personal and isolating disorder.
So I did the pads for 1 year and the clamps for 3 years and decided to check if there has been any new developments for incontinence.
Spoke to another surgeon and he laid out My options. I decided to try a male sling 45 days ago.
Since the male sling surgery I’ve been pretty much continent. No pads no clamps, I still have a couple of leaks in the right situation but a 100% improvement. I’m still very cautious but absolutely nothing like before the sling.
Just be fully aware that each case is unique and your situation will travel its own course.
Good luck.
What are the cons of the sling. Does it restrict activity? I am 11 months post surgery . I’ve tried everything. Afraid to go to outings, church etc.

I know exactly what you are going through and it’s very isolating and demoralizing.

No real downside to the sling. The sling installation is an out patient surgery with two days with a catheter. The incision pain restricts movement for two weeks and no lifting for 30 days.

I was fully continent after removing the catheter and felt the pressure to pee for the first time in four years. As far as activity I run weekly, lift weights and go as I please with no aids. The sling isn’t as good as pre prostatectomy but pretty close. I still have some minor leaks but nothing like my previous situation. The sling is also permanent and requires no adjustments.

You should investigate with your urologist if the sling is a good fit. My urologist wanted me to go with the “gold standard” which consist of a balloon and a mechanical cuff inserted in your body. The cuff is is placed around the urethra and is controlled with a button placed in your testicle sack. This device also has to be replaced after 8-10 years. The surgery takes a hospital stay, two weeks with a catheter and six weeks before the device is activated.
I told my surgeon that I wouldn’t do the “gold standard” but I would try the sling.

Know that thousands of us have been where you are now but also know there are possible solutions out there.

If you have any other questions just let me know

Good luck
7years since surgery then radiation. I use 1 to 2 pads a day. At night soak a brief. Also have sleep apnea. I believe many factors play in with the bedwetting. I'm 55
Why are you afraid to go on outings and to Church? Is it due to the fear of having a visible leak or maybe the stigma attached to someone finding out you wear protection? Although I haven't had a prostatectomy (yet, but probably will in the future) I have been bladder incontinent to a lesser and now greater extent for 7 years and wear diapers 24/7. I can say that with a bit of preplanning, and wearing the appropriate protection, it hasn't stopped me from doing anything. I will admit that swimming is a challenge but I even have a strategy for that.

I can easily get by on 2-3 quality diapers a day and even 1-2 by strategically adding a few pads. I have to say I am constantly surprised at so many of the posts here, especially from guys that have had a prostatectomy, that seem to prefer a huge number of pads or pull-ups (with all of their limitations) over just a few quality diapers. I do understand that becoming incontinent is a huge shock, and can be difficult to come to terms with, but with such great products available it doesn't have to be life changing.

Finally I have to say you made a great choice in coming to this forum to find some help. We are all very understanding and will try to help you in any way we can.
Im a year post op and made no progress with kegals etc. My bladder was empty except when I was sitting or lying down . If I got up it leaked out in short order.
I had an AUS ( gold standard) 5 mo ago and couldn't be happier !
The device nad procedure sound much worse than it is. Recovery is the same as a sling
The hospital stay is just overnight and the catheter is removed before you leave ( contrary to other post)
My doctor is at Memorial Slone Kettering. The link below is to his video and is worth watching in total.
He describes the issues and treatment for post-prostatectomy incontinence.
If you have a severe case as I did the sling may not be satisfactory, but you can view the video as that is discussed.
The guy is an expert, its all he does, at the top cancer hospital in the nation

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