Going well so far.


Staff member
Got to seem my nieces and tomorrow my pastors wife will be here. Sadly today is the last time I get to seem my nieces this trip as the Donkey gets them for this holiday. Had a small bowel accident this morning, first one since the trip down. Bladder has been about like back at home now so been using the pack of Betterdry’s I brought with me during the day. I also have three packs of MagaMax for the nights or if my bowels are acting bad.

I got to order more for this week as me and my dad will be going back to Pennsylvania for hunting season. I am actually going hunting this year. My dad took the time to find me a good spot that will keep me near our logging road so I can get back to the truck if needed to change.

Even if I get nothing during hunting season and have issues during, it will be a huge boost to my emotional health.

All in, I am glad that I came for Thanksgiving. I already told my nieces that I might not be able to come back for Christmas due to my schedule with doctors.

I hope for the best.

Also my car still needs to be fixed to get my inspection done but fedex took 10 days to get my parts from Nevada to Pennsylvania with paid expedited shipping.

That is why I am going to order enough diapers for the next month.

Not risking it.
That sounds like you're having a good trip and it has been worth the effort to do it!!!
And the hunting trip sounds like something you want to do and your dad has made the effort to help you cope with issues. So please seize the moment and enjoy!!!
But you need to do just one more thing: and that is save room for some 🦃turkey!!!
It sounds like you have a great family and that is a big thing to be thankful for at Thanksgiving or any other day of the year!
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