Going out of the country


Staff member
Hi all,

I am going out of the country in a couple days for a mission trip for 12 days. We will be going with three other couples to Honduras and then drive into Nicaragua, where we will spend most of the time. I am nervous due to my issues. I have found 'what works' for me for now for nighttime as far as avoiding accidents on bedding etc... I have a Sam's club pullup with a Tranquillity super booster and use a cloth waterproof diaper cover over it to catch any leaks while sleeping on my side. Sometimes, about every 3rd night, I have to change the booster in the night to avoid leaks, and more occasionally the whole pullup but for now this works to keep my costs low (the boosters and pullups are each about 35 cents where I've bought them). During the day if I am close to a restroom then I am ok with only a pad, although for this trip I will need pullups some days due to long times in the car and areas that possibly won't have access to enough restrooms. But my anxiety is mostly about NEEDING to have the protection, and fear of discovery of my issues. I still have not told anyone other than my urologist and my husband and am nervous about others seeing used diapers in the trash. On top of that, I was told that in the airport in Honduras, they will open all your luggage and go through everything! 😱 My current plan is to just hide my trash in separate bags and dispose when I can discreetly, but I don't know when or how that will happen. Any encouragement is welcome! This is my first long trip since before covid started, and first with OAB. Hope you all are doing well!
It’s your life you should take every advantage of the things that make you happy I went thru the same thing and I desided to tell everyone about my wearing diapers and you know what I feel more comfortable now than I did hiding it you are who you are and peoples will respect you for being brave and telling them. You go girl
I traveled to Ecuador and had officials open my luggage. They really don't care. Friends should not care either, I've told many. Instead of saying "diaper" it might be easier to say and think of it as "protection." Enjoy the trip!
I’ve been to El Salvador a few times on mission trips before PR. I’m not sure what it’s like where you’re going but I’ve heard it’s pretty similar. I wouldn’t worry too much about what you’re bringing, TSA have seen it all and they might not even check your luggage and if the do and question you just tell them why you have protection. They’re more worried about drugs and weapons. As far as disposing just do it. I’ve been on cruises and resorts in other countries and all I do to dispose my pads and diapers is put them in a bag and drop them in a trash can in route to my next event.
You’ll be fine, enjoy doing God’s work the rewards are amazing. Please stay safe.
I have similar issues, wondering about future travel since my OAB got much worse with advancing age, and possibly the first Covid inoculation. I use incontinence pants at night and pads during the day, but if I were to travel again (I haven't travelled since before Covid) I would have to use the pants all the time. Although I am hesitant myself, I would encourage you not to worry. If you could tell your friends in the group, they will certainly accept what you say and not be concerned about your problem - understanding and sympathy is the more likely reaction. In any case, I hope you'd be able to dispose of waste, I also put waste in a bag - I bring plastic bags with me for the purpose - and put them in waste bins where I find them. And yss, like Fuzzykiwi48, I tend to call it protection.
Good luck on your mission trip Sarah. I have been on several missions and one was in Nicaragua. Just remember they are looking for drugs and other paraphernalia. Your diapers and pads shouldn’t be an issue. Don’t let your problems take you away from glorifying God. I will be praying for you.
I always thought the point of religion is to teach compassion and humble acceptance of the human condition so hopefully your companions will be of this mind.

It can happen to anyone and may be helpful to others to realize they are not alone of subject to leaks they don't speak of as many women are so create a new bond of friendship.
I stayed at my sister-in-laws about a year ago and she doesn't know about me. I was worried people would notice but I think most people wouldn't even know what they are looking at. I also took individual trash bags. I found some scented ones at the dollar store for baby diapers and they worked great. I had larger ones too just in case I needed them, and a couple for my own laundry. Its anxiety inducing, which just starts the cycle over and over but I think most people are too distracted to notice, and if they did, they would be understanding. Hope you have a great trip!
Thank you everyone for your kind replies, I will try to reply to everyone more personally later when I have more time. But you all gave me a lot more peace about this, so thanks! I'm headed to the airport now.
@Maymay941 thank you for your reply! I did end up sharing with my friend who was on the trip with me when I had a small visible leak during the day once.. she was very understanding and now I have someone new I can confide in, so thank you!
Thank you all for your encouraging words! I just got back last night. It was a great trip and we were able to reach hundreds of children and adults. I did have one small leak during the day but it was ok as I was able to hide it until I could change and my close friend was very supportive. So thankful for this forum and all you great people ❤️
Mission trips are great. I have been on several. Got to go to Peru with my daughter few years ago. Everyone should do at least one. It is a life changing experience. Oldest daughter is currently in anesthesia school and her goal is to do few mission trips with Operation Smile or Mercy Ships after she graduates.
Hello Sarah060486. I'm so glad your trip went well. May I ask something? How was getting through the TSA? Did you have protection on? I ask because I had an AWFUL experience on my trip home from Florida. Just thinking about it has me shaking and feeling sick to my stomach right now.
I had caught Covid in, I believe, in April 2022. After recovering, my urge incontinence went to a whole new level to include issues while sleeping. We went to Florida in June, I think (?)
Our adult children left on a Sunday and my husband and I stayed until the following Wednesday. I thank God the kids weren't with us at the airport to witness what happened to me. I was wearing a pull-up as usual.
Enough about that...let me just say it wasn't good to say the least.
One more thing...I was cleaning up my craft room the other day and came across a cardboard box and guess what I found? Some booster pads I had promised a certain someone!! I am sending them out today and am soooo very sorry. Sometimes I just don't know where my mind has gone. Please forgive.
@Boopsie61 no worries on forgetting!! It happens to all of us! I always blame it on pregnancy or having kids haha... yes I did have protection going through security but thankfully it was dry and I had no problems. I'm so sorry you had a traumatic experience, I can only imagine!
The times I’ve traveled in similar circumstances I’ve just been up front about it. I’ve never gotten any negative reactions or treatment. I find matter of fact explanations work best.
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