Getting vasectomy


Staff member
I'm considering getting Vasectomy and urinary incontinence. Will I be able to wear my diaper or with they make me wear a Foley catheter?
@Craig88 I had a vasectomy many years ago for the sake of my wife. I don't remember it resulting in incontinence. The site of the surgery was sore for several weeks and it produced some scar tissue that I could feel for several months. Has the doctor told you that the surgery will make you incontinent? Do you have incontinence now? I suggest you talk with a urologist. Also, you may want to go to YouTube and type in "vasectomy" and/or National Library of Medicine and type in: "Vasectomy." The best of everything to you.
I had one 24 yrs ago and it never made me incontinence , was the best 10$ I ever spent covered the whole procedure.Dont think in any way that could cause incontinence unless you already are dealing with that...good lk
You might call and ask the dr office and see what they prefer. When I had one I clamped and also had a pull up on. One of the best decisions I ever made.



I'm sorry butchered this question.

let me try again.

I'm getting Vasectomy and I am urinary incontinent. Will I be able to wear my diaper or will they make me wear a Foley catheter?
Yes, During the vasectomy I used a clamp and also wore depend for men incase I needed to remove the clamp for some reason. Didnt need to remove the clamp and the doctor thanked me for good preparation. I cant stand a cath and cant put one in myself. You should have a consultation visit and that would be a great time to talk about this issue and what you need to do to prepare.
I had mine done 13 years ago. It was a simple out patient procedure done in about 39 minutes. They will need access to the area, so you would need something to collect (condom cath) or stop (clamp) the output of urine.

As far as what to wear after, you may have a couple small bandages and some soreness down there for a few days. It’s not that bad.

For hygiene purposes, they may ask you to do something different for a few days. Maybe not, either way just ask them for a recommendation.
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