General life update.


Staff member
A few thing happened this past week that have me in a funk.

1st, I found out that I actually make to much money under my insurance disability to qualify for both my health insurance as well as food stamps. But with covid, they have exemptions to it and the lady I spoke with said that I might qualify for special circumstances. That is kind of crazy because I am over $200 over the limit but I cannot afford to live without the extra that I get from the Department of Human Services (DHS). So, I am kind of in limbo with that because it could end at any time.

2nd, As anyone that read my other posts knows, I had no physical therapy or primary care appointments this week due to an issue on the doctor's end. I have had an off week with issues and was constipated for a while. The pain has been way high. Tylenol did nothing for it and I was taking the max I could.

3rd, Don't know what is going to happen with doctors yet but Monday I have to make calls to see. I know that they are working on my Primary care office to get it back open but that also means getting bumped back for appointments.

4th, Because I have been having more issues I have not been leaving my house a lot and my bowel issues are bad right now so I worry about cleaning up when out.

5th, I almost ended up back in the ER last night after being constipated and have a man parts issue. Every time I get constipated through the night I get a pain in my penis. Sometimes I get an erection from it but other times not. Nothing I do makes it go away but going poop. Last night I got up and tried but could not go and my guts hurt so bad. Well, I strained a lot the inside of my left leg and my left testicle was very painful for a while today. It has gotten better but If it happens again I will be going to the ER.

Truly I just wish I could have had my primary care visit this week so I could address all of this with him and get some idea as to what is going on and what can be done. I want to move forward with the Instem test with that other doctor but have to meet with PCP for a referral... That Is if I still have insurance to cover it.
Dear FLGuy,

I hope that reaching out to us has quieted some of your emotional pain, and perhaps that will help to ease your physical pain. I hope that you can find a way to convince your PCP to meet with you on Monday somewhere to help ease your excruciating pain. Meet by phone or video - would that work? With blessings for a quiet, peaceful uneventful night to you and to everyone.
Hi FLGuy, I'm sorry to read that you're having a bad time right now. But I would definitely make all effort to get in touch with your PCP first thing Monday, or even better, if the pain is worse, contact his answering service and see if they will get the doctor to call you. But regardless, do make contact on Monday and describe to him just as you described to us.
For now, try to relax as much as you can and think, "I will get better." And along with boasammy up above, I also wish a peaceful and uneventful day and night for you until you can get an appointment.
Hello, FLGuy: Just went through that procedure all men hate (Women too, I suppose)- a colonoscope. They make you use Miralax to clean you out, but excessive doses. Boy, does that do a job! Polyethyline glycol. Not sure I'm getting those spelling correct. Sounds like anti-freeze, doesn't it? I said that to the Doc and he didn't laugh. No sense of humor. Or maybe he's heard that too many times. Not much flavor, thank goodness. Anyway, might ask the doctor, but it is an OTC, and not expensive.
P.S. Report came out excellent, and it is the last one I'll have to ever do, as an old fart.
Chemically speaking, it's called PEG 3350. It is so tasteless that I can't taste it or see it in water. So I put it in my coffee or anything I want to drink, but you must drink plenty of water throughout the day or it won't work and you could become dehydrated.

I buy the "Kirkland" brand at Costco for much less than the Miralax. I have to use it about 5 out of 7 days per week. It's not a stimulant, so it doesn't cause me any cramping, but it causes me to have loose, sticky movements, which I don't like, but it's better than constipation.

One of my doctors told me to stop taking the psyllium fiber because it can cause blockages, which I have had in the past. I thought I was doing myself a favor by consuming fiber. Things got better for me once I stopped taking the psyllium.

Everyone has different reactions to meds and remedies. I hope that you find what works for you.
So I take a lot of medications every day. Both over the counter as well as prescribed to me.

First thing after getting up I take my am pills.
Colace (Stool softener)
OTC allergy med
Fish oil
L Tyrosine
And then take my first dose of Miralax with smooth move tea (Laxative tea with peppermint)

Then shower

Midday I take a multivitamin and the second dose of Bentyl
and the first dose of Metamucil

Evening I take

and Colace stool softener and the second dose of Metamucil

Before bed
Bentyl, Colace, and Miralax smooth move tea again

So all in all I take two doses of Miralax, Three doses of Colace stool softener, two cups of smooth move tea and still get constipated every day and in pain. So yea I am a walking medical farm that cannot go poop without medication so.

Nothing has worked to keep me able to go and the meds make me have diarrhea but I don't pass the hard stuff that is still stuck.

Last clean out I had to do I was still passing stool four hours after doing two enemas 2 hours apart, so... And doctors seem not to know what to do.

This week is going to be intence with trying to get answers to when I can be seen for all of this so wish me luck.
Wishing you very, very good luck! Let us know when you get your much needed and much deserved appointment.
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