Follow up on rant 2.0


Staff member
So my Safety coordinator at work spoke with the a security guard and explain the situation. But I also got to talk to the security manager today and that started a construction between my safety coordinator and him. Here's the short version. They are going to make sure that I never happnes again. The security manager said the guy in question has been an issue before so he will get talked to. The thing that he said pissed him off was acting like he didn't know what was in my bag and demanding that I 1) tell him and 2) empty the bag. He said that their job is to make sure cell phones and weapons are not going into the floor. I take my bag through the metal detector so that and a quick visual inspection is more than enough. He said someone with what you have in your bag is not here to cause trouble, you just want to work with some dignity and I will make sure you get it. Best I can hope for.
I'm impressed the saftey coordinator is showing intelligence and respect.
You must be a worker that is respect worthy.
Good for you to get through this with dignity!
It's good the safety bosses listened to you and agreed that the situation demands being handled with dignity, etc. But still, it's too bad you had to go through all of that hoo-hah when it really wasn't needed in the first place. Just unfortunate timing that you would have a run-in with a guard who has presented issues before. Now just as long as the security bosses keep your situation under wraps and practice who has a "need to know" if the situation ever comes up again.
I was taken out of line at the airport was 75+ searched with my diaper on.I will have to say they were very nice about it.
I travel for a living, and while not the topic here directly, I can attest to the security portals being a challenge. I have had experiences that range from not a bat of the eye, to full on being told I had to go back through to the bag checker, retrieve my bag to obtain a change, and then change before I would be allowed to fly. Most people are the first type once they understand the abnormal nature of your bag or padding. I am glad you found a middle ground and understanding.

Live dry.
That's great news!

This may end to being a good thing in the long run. You've gotten several people at work to advocate for you on this issue, and that actually makes it easier to get them to advocate for you on other stuff like making reasonable accommodations so you can do your job. Unpleasant as it may have been, the guard may have ended up doing you a favor.
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