First Signs of Progress?


Staff member
No bladder control 5 days after catheter removal. Am doing my kegels religiously but wondering what to expect or look for if one does start to see signs of improvement. Also, besides doing kegels, is there anything else one should do to maximize chances of improving? Do want to thank the people who responded to my first post - read them all and appreciated the advice and the shared experiences.

While you think you are doing kegel exercises correctly so did I. Then I went to a physical therapist who specializes in Radical Prostatectomy recovery and learned that what I was doing was close but not best way to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles including the Kegels.

If your doctor will refer you for PT I’d strongly recommend it. In my thinking it helped accelerate my recovery by several weeks.

8 months post op, still no bladder control, can't do radiation until it slows down. Doc said ,ANT DAY now.Hope and praying!!
Just for info. Radiation will also likely cause some leakage issues. I was just about dry 1.5 years after surgery. Then several months after radiation, I began having leakage again. Not too bad - one light pad per day, but it won’t go away. May have to go for male sling procedure to try to get dry. Waiting a few more months before doing that.
I didn’t notice much improvement for the first couple months. There was steady improvement from months 3 to 6, and slower but steady improvement from months 6 to 11. I'm now close to continent, but not perfect. Others here improved quicker. I hope you’re quicker.

I highly recommend weighing pads and keeping track of daily totals. There’s a good chance that there will be weeks/months when you’re improving, but the progress is hard to see without some data.

All the best!
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