Ever just want to scream. Rant. TMI warning.


Staff member
So, I finally got a call from my Hepatology doctor to go over my HIDA scan.

He feels that noting on the test indicates an immediate issue so I should address my constipation with my GI doctor. The test showed that I was somewhat constipated during the test (But I could not eat/drink 4 hours before and didn't for more than 8 hours)

Here is the thing, The doctor is duel certified as GI/HEP so he knows my full issue And I see him again before I see my GI doctor.

The other issue is that when I asked about repeating the blood work to see if my Liver levels have gone down/up he said we will look into that in December when he sees me again. (YEA, not thinking that is a good idea to wait that long, but he is the doctor)

So he feels that all the issues, Pain, accidents both bowel and bladder are all still due to constipation which if true would mean that none of what were are doing medications-wise is working as they want them to.

So I feel like I am back to square one.

I do have a follow-up with rectal surgery but at this point, after July the only visit I have is Urology in Sep. and then nothing till Nov. Which sucks because next year things have to move for claim reasons so I hope that the doctors figure something out.

This sucks and I am going to talk to my patient advocate as well as my PT person about all this.
Yes, I have wanted to scream, and sometimes I actually do. I don't scream at anyone. I do it when I'm by myself. I can see why you feel like screaming - what you're going through is crazy-making, and it's not going to help you get better.

After you're done screaming, take some deep breaths and calm down to avoid getting too stressed out.

I say go for it with your patient advocate and PT person!
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