Even a good Christian boy gets Pissed off sometimes.


Staff member
So I had to call the debt collector trying to sue me. (Yea I know never do that but the court actually told me to)

Well, they are a dumb as a box of rocks in a field of turds. Took them ten minutes to even find my information and then they were like so, you are not offering payments after I told them everything.

Like, NO I have no money to give you. I live on $1489 per month and can just get by on that. (Yea I know it is going to be worse on Social security)(I am lucky to have Disability insurence)

But my bills are my bills for now. It cost me $1000+ just to live and with as many doctor's visits/Physical therapy appointments I have/ Gas being so high, I am broke all the time.

Right now I am spending $200 a month on diapers alone.

I spend $70 a month on gas just to go to Physical therapy.

I also have an older car that always needs something.

Next month I have registration due.

November I have to re-inspect.

So yea collection agency, You want 25cents a month. (Sarcasm)

So now I have to send them a hardship note.

O, and they insisted that they already filed with the court. Well not according to the court house.


Like I said above. They calm to have already filed Said (8/26/2021)

But the court has nothing from them. The cop that I talked to at the court told me that they cannot do anything to me as they threatened.

Cannot Sheriff sell someone on disability except for really bad things and there has to be an assumption that they are going to get their money back.

Yea I did a full assets chart using everything from kelly blue book for my car and places that buy/sell stuff for everything else I have. At most I have $3,000 worth of stuff, including my car (2002 dodge neon with 200K miles and in poor shape)

Yea, I have nothing to give them.
It's intimidation and harassment. They just want the money and they don't care about anything else. It's their job.
I, too, agree with the comments. Collection agencies are usually bullies. Just hang in there. You will prevail!
You know what? How come there hasn't been some sort of Mass Violence at the office of one of those places? It's not like they are beloved by anyone.
Seriously, though. Has anyone ever sued them for, say $500,000.00? You know those debt collection companies have that kind of money. They remind me of C.S. Lewis's "The Screw Tape Letters": those company owners (and personnel) will provide a feast for the Devils! ThatFLGuy would have enough left over to pay anything! New car. (except then his car insurance would go sky high [nuts]). He could afford a decent doctor instead of the charlatins. (how do you spell that?) A decent lawyer if he goes after $1 million and pays the lawyer half. Let's establish a "go-fund-me" for him for that purpose!
Funny post AlasSouth. I'm not one to rush in. Before doing anything drastic I'd want to hear the other sides and there are undoubtedly more than one. I do wonder what the profits are for the collection agencies. I'd be surprised if it's outrageously high. Their overhead expenses must be astronomical.

I do like your humorous bent though AlasSouth!
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