End Diaper Need act nbc article on incontinence


Staff member
article on nbc i read tonight: there is a bill to bring funding for low income and disabled adults to get incontinence supplies unclear if through nonprofit "diaper banks" getting more funding ?
Bill introduced February 8th by senator Tammy Duckworth D and Ron Casey R
The article is titled Isolated and Alone and states 50 percent of Americans over 50 have incontinence issues and it is a topic that needs to be addressed openly.
We should all get behind this. Find out what the name of the bill is and write to our representatives.
Legislation for a real need that will help people in every state. My senators are so mean they will probably not vote for it, but I will try.

Good morning,

Are you aware of this:


NAFC is not mentioned as a supporter of the bill.



We were not aware. But looks like again we are going to overlook adults…

Lets see what we can do.

Steven G. Gregg, Ph.D.
Executive Director

National Association For Continence (NAFC)
215 East Bay Street, Ste 500-I, Charleston, SC 29401
Cell: (914) 582-1731
SGregg@NAFC.org I www.NAFC.org

NAFC is BHealth. We believe in better bladder and bowel health. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest!

This person is the executive director of the organization that provides the forum, NAFC
Also, he is the supervisor/monitor of this forum.
As his response is in effect to all of us, I felt comfortable sharing it.

Perhaps it would be more appropriate if he addressed the forum directly. I will leave it to him in the future.

Thank you for your concern. I would never post the identify of anyone - were I to know it.

That's great that government is doing this. I do have a question about the bill, will you be able to get the diapers like from north shore/online diapers company ??? What kind of diapers would be covered, cheap cloth-like ones or current brand that we use. If you could chose what brand you want that's great. If cheap ones I can't supported it. It would be waste of money and time.
Hi @Etowah, you must live in Florida because that sounds just like my senators!!!! 😠I didn't vote for either of them but when their time is due I will vote them out!!!!
This may be an unpopular opinion but I find it a bit disturbing that the first place people look to for solutions when they need something is from the government. I don’t believe that it’s a valid role of the federal government to provide diapers for people who need them. State government perhaps, but more likely local governments or charities for those in need. Opposing a bill like this does not make someone mean, they may just not see it as the proper place for the feds to be involved. I’m personally opposed to a cradle to grave nanny state as that was never the stated constitutional intent of the US government. How about we lower taxes on working Americans and let us keep more of what we earn so that we can provide for our own needs.
@Sylvia - that may be easy for someone who is making decent amount of money to say. Not everyone is in that position. I’m disabled. My insurance (Medicare and Medicaid) only pays for a small portion of my diapers. A bill like this would be a welcome relief as I live well below the poverty level on disability. I’m eager to know also if this bill would buy premium diapers. The crap that Medicaid buys is paper thin and leaks like crazy. I often have to borrow money or decide wheather to buy healthy food or diapers almost every month. It sucks.
@justej I’m sorry I was certainly not trying to imply that government help should not be available for the disabled because I do believe very much in helping those in need. You should be able to receive help in the form of adequate supplies that work. Medicaid should be reformed to provide that.

My little rant was probably a bit too broad and was more a result of first hand knowledge of seeing many able bodied folks abusing our welfare system. Perhaps I painted with too broad a brush. That said I do still believe that government assistance should be smaller, and much better targeted towards those who are unable and not merely unwilling to provide for themselves.
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