drug and alcohol urine screening


Staff member
Here's one I had earlier this week. I had to have a drug/alcohol urine screening done for work. No problem right? I haven't had one in a couple of years. So with my urge incontinence worsening over that time, it was "fun" trying to time the test. I can only "hold it" for a couple of minutes if that, but then a sample is needed so one has to be able to "go" on demand. At the finish line it worked out ok but I had to wait a short time because I had to "go" prematurely. I guess things like this are not even a thought when all systems are functioning correctly. But boy when they're not it gets complicated doesn't it?
I would be absolutely screwed if for my urine tests there was a time frame lol. As it just took me an hour earlier this week to get a urine sample for the drug testing they do on me for an ms drug I am on every 3 months. Thankfully for me there was no time frame. Lol

Honestly I don’t know what it is but when I am forced to have to provide a sample I have no hope in hell of making it happen. Very frustrating to say the least...

I feel your pain. Thankfully for you it worked out okay for you this time. :)
I have a note from my urologist doctor. It allows me to be drug tested by blood, hair, or saliva instead of them using urine. It has worked out well for me with every job I have worked accept for one temp company who wanted to make a huge issue out of it. I just threatened them with a lawsuit under ada law when they tried to threaten me with being fired if I didn't provide a urine sample. They changed gears fairly quickly after that lol.
I so cannot go on demand. It took me 2 hours and several water bottles of water to be able to do my last one. And I barely got anything out. Of course once I got home I flooded my diaper. Once my pain doctor wanted me to do one and I couldn’t do it so they actually tried to cath me. They couldn’t do that either and after many tears my doctor finally said don’t worry about it.

I hate urine tests.
I have to go for a blood screen every month or so for my pain clinic and having a neurogenic bladder used to make this a crap shoot! I literally had to sit there for a few hours at times, because nobody understood what I was going through, and worse I don’t think they even cared...Back when I was in the hospital trying to figure out how to live with my new prize, full incontinence bowel & bladder and I could no longer walk.
I remembered a therapist teaching me the “Coude Maneuver” or that’s what they called it then. You take one hand and put pressure just above your bladder while pushing down and WALLAH! You were peeing on demand! I would suggest speaking with a urologist first, I was told if I put pressure too low I could force extreme pressure back up into my kidneys and I’m just assuming that’s not a good thing! I’ve used it when necessary for a long time because it does work, unless like me my bladder just emptied while the Dr. / Nurse was explaining why this test was so CRITICALLY IMPORTANT for somebody who only drove heavy equipment or flew planes anymore on video gameS!
I hope this saves you some worthless sitting time on your next test!
@Sprung87 Thanks for your suggestion about Credé’s Maneuver. I haven’t had to try it yet myself, but it will probably happen one day or another in my future life. I think drug and alcohol testing is a pervasive invasion of one’s privacy if it’s required for employment.

Every time a woman gets an annual pelvic check-up, a sample of urine is required because they won’t insert any exam instruments into the vagina if there’s a chance of pregnancy. Even if you say there’s no chance, they still make you provide a urine sample. It’s annoying, but I understand where they’re coming from. To me that’s an acceptable demand for a urine sample. Same with the urologist; they need to look at your pee under a microscope.

But for a job? It’s none of their business.

Here’s more info about the Credé’s Maneuver:

Snow - I never had to take a urine test for a possible job. But my grown children had to take them for drug tests for jobs . Otherwise I don't know why a potential employer would ask for a urine test.
And I thought the urine sample before a pelvic exam was so that you wouldn't pee on the doctor!
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