Don't need that.


Staff member
Well looks like the good weather we have been having is coming to an end. Next week they are calling for 6-10 inches of snow Sunday night into Monday afternoon which is when my appointment with my dentist.

Tuesday I have Physical therapy and that is when I will make up my mind about the Axonic implant at the end of the month.
You are lucky to have precipitation. We do not, when instead we should be having snow every few days. Being in “Exceptional Drought” and having your water limited, sucks. Be grateful for your snow. Rain is mostly absorbed by dirt and it’s not what we drink. It’s snow that provides drinking and reservoir water.
It will be good for you to be able to get your appointments done.

I’ve been missing my appointments because I have the flu and because my alternator has gone out :( I’ve been too sick to do anything or go anywhere. I’m getting really mad because it’s Day 11.

Most times I would never complain about snow but I would rather rain than snow right now.

Also, Snow is 90% air and only 10% water so rain is better for dry areas. That is why they tell people not to eat snow in a survival situation because 1) It will cool you down to much 2) not enough water to energy use and 3) you will get dehydrated because your brain thinks it is getting enough water but it is not.
It's going to be pretty bad up here in the Northeast as well. There predicting -30/-40 wind chill temperature on Saturday if I'm not mistaken.

But your right; this weather is something we don't need.

Been tired this past week; I feel like I've accomplished alot but it's worn me out. I'm still tired all the time, my daytime bladder incontinence is hit or miss some days. All I want to do after work is go home and sleep; but I know I've gotta push myself to keep going.

It's like an inconvenient cycle. I don't want to wear protection to bed- but yet; I require protection for enuresis but my depression and ptsd leaves me tired all the time. On bad days I'm still struggling with protection period.

If I could just wake up with no bladder problems that'd be cool.

So it's like a vicious cycle. I want to stay up as long as I can so I can enjoy the day and being near a bathroom so I don't require diapers; but then my body makes it so that I do need to sleep so to get the required rest which puts me in a position where I have to be protected.

I feel like my body is screwing me over on this one. Shouldn't my body recognize it has to stay up longer to help strengthen my bladder muscles so there not spending more time spasming and relaxing?

Just some random thoughts.

Stay Warm everyone!
I think part of why my flu recovery has been long and slow is that I have serious seasonal depression going on right now. I’ve used two kinds of light boxes in the past; they haven’t helped. I’ve basically been on one antidepressant or more since I was 15, so for 30 years. They really don’t improve my seasonal affective disorder.

Our average annual total precipitation in UT is just 14”, most of which falls as snow. Without snow here in the mountains, we run out of drinking water.

It doesn’t really rain here so we survive on snow. Snow drought is very serious to us.


Luckily I do not ever have to worry about droughts here where I live in PA. I am within sight of a creek that feeds into the Susquehanna River. I am on city water but my parent's house up here has water so clean that you could bottle it.

Our issue up here is flooding. To much snow or rain and the Susquehanna breaches its banks and then my town is under water. I have pictures of 2011 where the water was above the roof of our town's grocery store which has never happened except that year. Luck, where I live, is higher up so it has never flooded.

Again, I love snow just now when I have appointments that will help me.
@ThatFLGuy I am glad you love snow, too. It is tied with cats and movies for me as my favorite thing in the world.
We are missing the headline here. Look at the power ThatFLGuy has. He makes a dentist appointment and it is supposed to snow. We should remember that so when we are having a drought in the NorthEast we just need to ask ThatFLGuy to make a dentist appointment! If we can't laugh at this what hope do we have!

Well, Actually my dentist called this morning and canceled the appointment due to incoming weather so. Now watch, It will not snow at all here in PA.
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