Diet and Leaking


Staff member
I am about 10 months out from a Salvage Radical prostatectomy. I had seed implants ten years ago and a TURP last year which identified an Adenocarcinoma, enteric type growth in the urethrae. The surgery was successful.

I am an active 75 year old, play golf 2-3 times a week, walk from 5 to 15K steps a day and do my Kegels twice a day or more. I am dry at night but during the day, I am wet. With golf, I am able to hold some urine but I am soaked by the end of the round. Walking in the am, I am dry but in the afternoon, I start to leak. Cutting grass or other physical work causes me to leak. If I have a quiet day at home, I am generally dry.

I have found that a cup of coffee in the am causes more leakage. Likewise, a Coke at lunch also causes leakage. The biggest problem is a couple of beers in the evening. I understand that other foods, like yogurt, fruit juices, tomatoes, barbeque (and the list goes on) all cause bladder irritation.

What are your experiences with diet?
The primary aggravators for my bladder are coffee, tea, and alcohol. I rarely drink alcohol any more, a couple of times per year. I drink less than one cup of coffee in the morning.

I haven’t found any foods that affect my OAB in any way. I know some say spicy food is a bladder aggravator, but not for me - maybe what I consider “spicy” isn’t particularly spicy. Soda doesn’t negatively my bladder. Neither does sugar nor citrus.

A lot of people encourage the drinking of cranberry juice but doing so doesn’t affect my OAB. It’s primarily used to prevent UTIs, something I’m not particularly prone to.

I recommend trying Botox, then you’ll be able to eat and drink whatever you want with little discernible affect on your bladder!
I had seen a recommendation for Prelief elsewhere. It "Takes acid out of food" as shown on the label. Is Botox a similar product. I too enjoy a beer or two or a glass of wine or two in the evening, but they are probably aggravating my bladder as I seem to be a bit leaky as well. I am about 3 1/2 months post-prostatectomy.
Yes, fizzy drinks can aggravate leaking,as can spicy and acidic foods. Try eliminating them from your diet, one at a time, and see what happens.
@Back2fishing Botox is an injection of a poisonous toxin that partially paralyzes your bladder muscle for 3-6 months. It’s administered through a double-wide catheter through which 22-44 injections are made in your bladder wall. It’s one of the most painful experiences in my conscious life because my doctor doesn’t use any sedative. Some doctors will put their patients under to do the procedure.

I also get Botox injections in my temple, neck, and Trapezius muscles to prevent migraines, which works wonderfully well and doesn’t hurt at all.

And of course, Botox is heavily used by estheticians to eliminate wrinkles (by poisoning and freezing them). Botox had all kinds of medical uses and has been used for 70 years.

The bacteria Botulinum is the most lethal naturally-occurring poison on the planet, but leave it to our species to learn how to use it very safely. It’s a wonder “drug”!!!

If you ever want to go down a rabbit hole, spend an afternoon reading about how potent and wonder-ful the bacterium is. Unbelievably powerful stuff!

I’m 20 weeks post surgery and I enjoy a couple of beers in the evening too. I’ve recently been dry and a couple of beers doesn’t seem to affect my bladder as I’m more back to normal at the moment.
coffee but I don't care. I love my coffee and will never give it up. Whether I drink coffee or not I'm still in diapers so I just deal with it and accept that I'm going to need to change a bit more often than if I wasn't a coffee drinker.
Drink and diet effect my incontinence as does stress. I started with an enlarged prostate and was put on Tamsulosin to help strengthen the poor stream and incomplete emptying. The prostate is within normal parameters these days however, I find I am constipated a lot and that has a reaction with emptying the bladder. Caffeine, carbonated drinks, excess sugar and spicy food all take their toll on my bladder.
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