Diaper Changes Part Two


Staff member
Does anyone have or ever had someone change your diapers as an adult? My wife has helped me tape up my clean diaper one time but has never yet changed one of my wet or dirty ones. She would do it if she absolutely had to but not just because. Just curious how many of us change our own diapers vs. having to have help being changed.
I do not know how I will manage if a time ever comes where I would have to submit to being changed by someone. The worst imagery comes to mind. The worst scenario. Just don't know what I'll do.
I have. I've had 6 leg surgeries which most have required help with incontinence care. I have a home health aide that helps with changes. At this point I can change myself but I do have mornings where my hands cramp and I cant do it so she helps but its not that often. It was hella awkward at first but got easier with time. I still have times that I could use help but I'm too embarrassed to ask. Its not the end of the world but you learn to accept it. I've also come to accept that if I go into the hospital they will change me. I'm considered a "fall risk" with my leg so I really dont have a choice.
The only diaper changing I’ve had done was when I was in the hospital for an overnight surgical procedure. The nurse didn’t even ask since my shoulder wasn’t working she just changed me.
In a different post I just spoke of my search for my first tabbed product for an upcoming colonoscopy. I have yet to successfully but one on by myself (or with help for that matter either). I currently use pull ups and they work fine for me, although I understand that's not the case for a lot of folks.

It would definitely be strange to be changed by a family member, I've had similar procedures from medical professionals, but that feels very different.

My wife has helped clean up the mess from my last colonoscopy, but that was more the bed, than my body.

I guess like most things I would get accustomed to it if it were necessary.
I was in the hospital for circulation problems and I also had a bout of what they call trigger finger. that is a condition where you can't open your fingers after you make a fist and have to use your other hand to pull the fingers back open again and I had it in both hands. I get it often and that give me injections in the base of the fingers and it's good for a few months. I brought my own diapers because the ones they have are worthless. I took a diaper out of the package at the same time a nurse walked in and she took the diaper and started to uncover me thinking she was going to change me. I told her I would do it and she said that's going to be kind of hard with your hands not opening up and I said don't worry I'll do it. She said don't be embarrassed I change them all day so just let me do it. I told her under no circumstances was she going to change me. Does your wife ever see you with your diapers on and I told all the time but I change myself. She finally caught on that she wasn't going to do it and left. It took me about ten minutes to do it because every time I took hold of a tape my fingers would not let it go. I finally managed to do it and put the diaper I had taken off and put it in a plastic bag I use to dispose of them and tied a knot in it with some difficulty. The nurse came back in a few minutes later to check on me and I asked her to throw the bag in the trash and she put it in the bio hazard container then look at me shook her head and left.
I have on two occasions while in the hospital, the first was when my gallbladder ruptured and I spent three days in the hospital, the nurses were wonderful but I was doing whatever I could to help. The second time was when I had my rotator cuff repaired and it was the same. The nurses were willing to do it for me but I did whatever I could to make the process easier for them. I don’t think I could just sit back and let them take care of me Without putting in effort to help them as much as physically capable.
When I first started wearing them I had to have help in the hospital but I was paralyzed from the waist down and I just had back surgery and really couldn't move very well but now I do it all myself changing diapers and cathing myself.
wadebailey said:
When I first started wearing them I had to have help in the hospital but I was paralyzed from the waist down and I just had back surgery and really couldn't move very well but now I do it all myself changing diapers and cathing myself.
Now that's progress!
I have a home care aid come every morning to help me get up and shower. Most days, I manage myself. Some days are too painful or I'm too slow and get help into one before I leak. After the wreck in the hospital and rehab center, it was pretty much all them doing the cleaning and changing. But as time went on, I was able to do most.
Yes I have been changed numerous times, after back surgery, when I went for another back surgery, when I was on the epilepsy unit for 7 straight days which was the most humiliating because I was not on pain medication and was totally with it except after a seizure. I had shoulder surgery in November my wife had to help change me for at least two months, I was grumpy and maybe not so nice to her until I realized I could not do that task on my own, my whole mood had to change pretty quick LOL. My wife said she was becoming a diaper changing machine. I think the worst was having to have the wife change me more than any hospital visits though, just makes me feel like maybe it has taken a toll on how she looks at me.
@Wbwayne11 I have never had to be changed, the closest is having catheters changed by hospital staff. I'm sure that your wife doesn't think any less of you. I used to worry what my wife thinks about the catheters and protection, but I recently had to help her use a toilet after her back seized up. I don't think we are quits yet, but I do feel a bit better for helping her. Phil
My wife left me last year. The only fault she had against me was my diapers. If that's all she could find on me to help excuse or justify her leaving, then I have to say that I'm a bit proud that that was the worst of my "faults". It might be inconvenient, awkward or plain old gross to them, but if they love you, it's just what it is...but they love you. Don't dwell on the small stuff in marriage.that can make it swell. He he. 🤓
My wife supported me with my loss of bladder control and she knew the problems I was having with leaks. She was the reason I tried cloth diapers and plastic pants at night and it turned out that was the solution that I'm had been looking for. She was there for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on or a sounding board to talk about things. I was urinary incontinent since 1968 and she stuck with me every foot of the way. Back then the disposable diapers were pretty bad they were either so thin and leaked so bad they wern't worth bothering with or they were so bulky it looked like you had pillow in your pants. Every time she saw a new brand come out she would get them for me to try out.I'm sorry you had such a bad wife that didn't support you.
@Steven1980 I'm in a weirdly opposite situation. My ex wife has had nocturnal incontinence all her life. She was very embarrassed about it so we didn't discuss it much. I could have used it against her with our kids or in the divorce or brought it up during one of our many arguments, yet I did not, since I didn't consider it a character issue (though she has plenty of those) I guess I just couldn't use something that to hurt someone.

I suppose this was too much to ask for, but she never once thanked me for being understanding even though it got so bad I got wet in bed too even though this was well before my current issues.

@Steven1980 I personally am just glad to be rid of this toxic person in my life, so while it is hard to believe she would stoop so low as to use a medical issue against you, be glad you no longer have to hear it.
i just reread my reply to this post and some of the ones that followed. i should have said so then, and i’m saying now, i believe my wife would be the one to do the changing and i think she would do it no questions asked without hesitation. i would most likely be the bad one for so visably hating the thing happening. for now i’m in good enough health and borderline enough with the incontinence that changing myself is no excessive problem. i go to work. i do have those occasional leaks since i wont wear the real heavy duty protection and i keep living. this is life for the time being and hopefully the whole way.
I ended up spending two extra days in the hospital on with a post-dural headache from a lumbar puncture, and had to lay flat with an IV. In addition to my mobility being limited, I ran out of my own supplies and had to rely on hospital briefs and chux. I was changed by the nurses every few hours. Very embarrassing, but they were very professional.
I had a lumbar puncture a month or so ago and was only there for like 4 hours after. Wore my pull up diapers but the nurses never had to change me. If I have lumbar spine surgery soon then I may have to be. Lumbar surgery comes with a risk of impotence and incontinence. I'm already urinary incontinent but the risks also come with bowel incontinence as well.
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