Diabetes Insipidus


Staff member
Does anyone suffer from this? I am curious why my urologist never explored this possibility with my overactive bladder when I shared that I do drink a lot. I am constantly thirsty no matter how much I drink. I often drink more than 200oz a day. I Will get headaches (migraines) and dry mouth if I don’t keep hydrating. I have been tested for Diabetes Melletus because it runs in both sides of my family but the results have been negative.

This would explain my excessive output of urine per voiding episode. I intend to ask my primary care doctor about it on my next visit.
Very good - I have been checked with some of the same symptoms. Always thirsty, if I am not hydrated I get terrible migraine - so limiting water intake is no option - migraine is SO painful…

Hope you will find a solution. My blood sugar has not been into diabetes range…
I am a type 2 diabetic and the way I found out was constantly needing tons of water and then of course excessive urination, but this was way before my RP.

I get headaches from time to time and my Dr. said to stop sodas and make sure to drink enough water. She also said could be due to high blood pressure when get headaches, but bought a good BP monitor and that has not seemed to be the case...

I do not know what diabetes Insipidus or Meletus is, so I guess I don't have those.

Hope the Dr. can help on your next visit. If too far away, you may want to call and talk to a nurse and go ahead and pre-empt your next visit with the questions - just a thought.

iuwogeo said:
I am a type 2 diabetic and the way I found out was constantly needing tons of water and then of course excessive urination, but this was way before my RP.

I get headaches from time to time and my Dr. said to stop sodas and make sure to drink enough water. She also said could be due to high blood pressure when get headaches, but bought a good BP monitor and that has not seemed to be the case...

I do not know what diabetes Insipidus or Meletus is, so I guess I don't have those.

Hope the Dr. can help on your next visit. If too far away, you may want to call and talk to a nurse and go ahead and pre-empt your next visit with the questions - just a thought.

Type 1 and type 2 diabetes are both melletus which deal with insulin.

Insipidus has nothing to do with blood sugar.

Thank you for your advice!
Im diabetic. Im always thusty too. I drink a lot of sugger free coolaide. I started ozembic. I don't go as much during the day now. But a lot at night.I did track input and output for 2 days. It ballanced out. Wierd how im having day time retention. On a good note. The ozembic really curbs my eating. I lost 8 lbs in 2 months.
I have been diagnosed with Partial diabetes insipidus. Do a 24 hour urine collection. Use containers or weigh diapers or both. My 24 hr was 10000 ml. Which, if you can believe it, is on the low end of DI. The chronic distension fried the nerves in that sense distension in my bladder. My only warning is that I am about to pee, no discomfort whatsoever, it doesn’t even wake me up. Your pee will also be light colored to clear most of the time.
Rothpirate16 said:
I have been diagnosed with Partial diabetes insipidus. Do a 24 hour urine collection. Use containers or weigh diapers or both. My 24 hr was 10000 ml. Which, if you can believe it, is on the low end of DI. The chronic distension fried the nerves in that sense distension in my bladder. My only warning is that I am about to pee, no discomfort whatsoever, it doesn’t even wake me up. Your pee will also be light colored to clear most of the time.

I just looked up this study which says:
Diabetes Insipidus (DI) is the excess production of dilute urine. Diagnosis requires a targeted history, examination and confirmation through appropriate laboratory and radiological investigations. DI presents with polyuria and polydipsia. Urine output is more than 40 ml/kg /24 hours in adults and more than 100 ml/kg/24 hours in children. DI reflects either the lack of production or action of the posterior pituitary hormone vasopressin (AVP). There are three subtypes.

Cranial or hypothalamic DI (HDI): due to relative or absolute lack of AVP.
Nephrogenic DI (NDI): due to partial or total resistance to the renal antidiuretic effects of AVP.
Dipsogenic DI (DDI, primary polydipsia): where polyuria is secondary to excessive, inappropriate fluid intake.

For my weight that would be anything in excess of 3,800 ml.
10,000 ml being the low end means this study is a bit off base based on yours and your urologists experience.
I will do a 24 hour measure as you suggested. Having done one diaper weigh, it came to 2,631 ml.
When I said I was on the low end I meant that people can go over 20L with more severe forms of DI. 2500 can be overnight for me, thankfully not every night. Usually around 1.5L. That being said I can sleep pretty well with enough protection. On a big night I am waking up thirsty, sometimes with a headache, I can drink 40oz overnight if things are flowing. With DI you drink because you pee, not the other way around. The endocrinologist gives the diagnosis not the urologist.
RugerAl said:
I has some morning diapers weigh in at 84 oz. Not sure what the ML is.
2884 ml is 84 oz.

I finished the 24 hours at 7766 ml which is about 263 oz. I would hazard that is close to my daily amount give our take, so about 8000 ml per day. That feels like a LOT of liquid considering most people are supposed to be between 1500 to 2000 ml per day (51-67 oz). But as Rothpurate16 pointed out, that barely scratches the surfaces of someone producing 20000 ml or 676 oz of urine.

I would need to get tested to know definitively. I am always thirsty, but I don’t know if it’s primary dispysia or Insipidus as on days when I am unable to drink, I will get migraines, but also won’t produce as much urine.
Maybe partial DI as it fluctuates, you will probably need to do some blood and urine tests to get a referral to Endocrinology. Blood sodium, blood and urine osmolality, adh hormone. With partial when you can’t drink you will concentrate your urine more but not as much as most people.
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