

Staff member
I have had trouble with incontinence my entire life, most nights it is always hit n miss but I try not let it affect my social life. I've noticed over the years that when in and out of relationship my incontinence differs, as when in one I only we every now and then maybe it's my fear built up that stops me from but when I'm single (like now) I wee most nights, also I have periods when I'm dry for a month then after that can't control my bladder for a week or two, also it seems worse when near my period anyone similar to any of this?

Ps. This is me being young and childish but by me having what I suppose is a weak bladder wouldn't it by any chance make my vaginal wall looser as to why they suggest kegals?
Darcey (I took out a few "y's")
I'm no expert, but what you describe sounds a bit like Vaginal Vault Prolapse. As far as the intermittent frequency, that is difficult to explain. Perhaps visit your physician and describe symptoms and ask about Vaginal Vault Prolapse?
I'm only 20 so don't know if anything is wrong down there but my bladder is raising my anxiety through the roof! Argh I'm just going to live alone with a dozen dogs😂
If you're leaking urine, EVER, then it's incontinence and by definition something is wrong down there. You need to see a urologist or urogynecologist.

I'm a 35 year old nightly bedwetter and it took me a whIle to get up the nerve to seek medical help.
I was diagnosed with overactive bladder. I have occaisional small daytime accidents due to urge incontince. I wear diapers to bed every night and sleep much better now for it. I havent had any luck with the stanears OAB meds but you might. In any case, even if you can't be cused of it, it's wise to make sure there isn't a major medical cause behind it. For me, ruling out bladder and prostate cancer was a huge relief and put the incontine.ce into perspective. I'm doing well now with practical management (diapers).
Hi Darcey
I am the mom of an amazing son who is 34 and has trouble with this his entire life. He had surgery as an infant and this impacted his bladder. He is a college graduate and has a great job- owns his own home and is financially successful. Please email me if you are interested. This problem has bothered him his entire life and I hate to see him missing out on life.
Are your incontinence issues exclusively a nighttime event? If so, it's not necessarilya problem with the plumbing, or muscles downstairs, but may be more trusted to nerve signaling and subconscious recognition threshold.

As far as whether you are sleeping alone being a factor, that's very likely related to how much you trust your environment, and deeply you're sleeping as a result. To wake for the bathroom, the things need to happen: your brain needs to receive a signal that your bladder is full, your brain needs to delay the micturation reflex (which is that adults normally do until they reach a toilet), and your brain needs to rouse you from sleep before you reach the point where the micturation reflex activates involuntarily. If any of those mechanisms break down, you pee without waking up.
I do sometime have daytime leakage but nothing serious just a smidge or for some reason when I know I'm near a bathroom my bladder sometime just goes it's weird
I have the exact same issues that you are describing. I'm 21 and this has been ongoing my entire life. I was around 17 when I finally got treatment. My doctor and I have found a low dose medication that works for the most part but she never looked for an underlying cause. I still have some wet nights and leakage during the day that is exceptionally worse when I get near the bathroom. I was referred to a urologist but never made it to the appointment. Stress and hormones definitely seem to play a role in my issues though. I recommend finding a doctor that will help you find the underlying cause.
I do have a hormonal problem as I can't take much oestrogen ie. Contraceptive pill and what medication is this? I use to take the nasal desmopressin but I've heard it's been discontinued and that was the only thing that worked for me majority of the time:/ and I had an ultrascan when I was 13 and nothing was wrong down there so I'm just so stumped

You should see a continence nurse for evaluations and perhaps further checking by medical people.
I can't take any type of contraceptive because it makes me sick. But the medication I take is called Imipramine hcl. It works about 90-95% of the time for me. When I was trying contraceptives they seemed to help but the side effects were way worse and it just wasn't worth it. PM if you want to talk about these things too. It's always nice to have someone who understands.
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