Curious and shocked, seeking advice


Staff member
Here is the histroy and where I am now.

Off and on for years I have had the occasional accident in my sleep. Normally I would write it off to a dream of using the restroom in the woods, etc. These incidents were really far apart, some for as much as 7 or 8 years(I am 54) and they were always isolated events. About 6 months ago I had the regular dream and voided in the bed.

About 2 weeks ago had another accident. This one however, was followed by several more on successive nights. 6 nights and only one dry.

I have been to my dr who was not helpful at all with the exception of making referral to urologist which will take nearly two weeks to hear back from my insurance and then who knows how long until an appt may be made. So I am looking t maybe 4-6 weeks sleeping in diap until then.

I would like to run this by you as a potential culprit. When I was 20 I was involved in a motorcycle accident and broke/fractured 3 lumbar vertebrae and have serious issues with coccyx pain ever since. Could it be possible for this issue to be a major factor in my latest struggles. I have read that Coccyx injuries and the lumbar vertebrae can affect both enuresis (urine incontinence) and fecal incontinence.

Of course the issue continues. One strange and seemingly unheard of caveat is the fecal/bowel involvement. Here is what happens, I wake up to find myself pushing/straining to empty bowels.

Any suggestions as to why this is happening to me, both the bedwetting and the bowel elimination, please feel free to share.

My wife has been phenomenal through all this and makes me realize just how much I really do love her and how much I need her. She has been understanding and sympathetic and brings up things I would have not thought of--like an emergency bag with change of clothes and a diaper in case of an accident or being stranded on the road.

Any way, she is my right hand, my heart.

I digress, would you begin with urologist? or perhaps a neurologist seeing as how it could be spine related?
The lumbar area is exactly where the nerve bundle runs through, so any injury to that area, even years later, can cause bladder and bowel signal loss, enuresis... exactly what they suspect with me, as I sometimes don't get that signal that I have to go at night, daytime it is urgency, worth looking into! I would go the Urologist route first.
A motorcycle accident that injured your lumbar spine could certainly cause your bladder and bowel problems. But I think that it's a bit odd that they have started up some considerable time after the injury. Definitely you should see a urologist and/or a spinal specialist.
I would make the appointments now, to shorten your waiting period. Once you have the insurance approval then call the urulogist and ask to be put on a cancellation list. Considering the events are relatively new, you should be assessed by the healthcare professional to see if there has been a change in a your condition.
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