Curbing your doctor's enthusiasm


Staff member
If you are on Facebook and want to check the site Purple Clover there is an article about the excessive medical tests doctors order for you and the stress it brings.
The current situation causes many doctors to practice defensive medicine and order medical test to protect themselves from excessive lawsuits. Wish I had a answer for the current situation but I do understand how many doctors feel.
Not by sitting like a duck quietly not by whining or having a tantrum but by saying, if I were your mother, wife, or YOU what do you do for this?
I LOVE that question. I often ask a variation on that, and I find they respond well to it.
I always ask that question when talking to my father's doctors.
Great topic Maymay!! This world we live in has taken allot of common sense thinking out of the equation because people are too eager to sue. It’s a real shame that this world has become this way!!
How do we as the test subjects know which tests are necessary? The doctors can't figure out right now what's going on with me, I guess I'm going to have an MRI if my kidneys can handle it.
Well, i factor certain things re tests.
First is the necessity of the test. I demand they tell me the possible diagnosis and are they treatable . If so HOW ( Meds operations rehab
In other words, they are selling me a used vehicle so how is it to MY benefit to drive this used car for X dollars when i own my own used car out right or will this just allow them to have a name for my issue in their scientific records and in my chart.
Then its my age and the amount of pain and suffering involved. I realize the quality of my daily life is a balancing act, its not going to be perfect so do i give the freedom of being autonomous but uncomfortable up for weeks or months so they can tinker and i end up with a need for more operations and more meds and thus more side effect
Now i realize this is the PRIVILEGE of choice in my very limited medical need.
Sure hope this is making sense, im distracted
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