Crisis averted just in time!


Staff member
I got to work this morning to find an email from our facilities guy that there was a water pressure issue in our building. Then another that said several buildings were without water and they closed all the restrooms. Then an email from the university that is was a campus wide ahutdown. My coworker is a 66 year old male and after about an hour we were both having an issue. We were just about the het in my car and drive off campus to find a restroom when the water suddenly came back online. And of course, I usually wear a pullup when I am out but had a few good days and went to work with just a small pad. Could have been a disaster. Motto is always be prepared.
That is a disaster averted for sure!! I was out fishing with my wife a couple days ago and was walking down river when all the sudden it got deep and I was up to my waist!! I was surprised when I got back to shore my diaper hadn’t soaked up any extra water!! I must have had it on good and tight and the outer layer protected it from swelling up.
Petejc said:
That is a disaster averted for sure!! I was out fishing with my wife a couple days ago and was walking down river when all the sudden it got deep and I was up to my waist!! I was surprised when I got back to shore my diaper hadn’t soaked up any extra water!! I must have had it on good and tight and the outer layer protected it from swelling up.
that is impressive!
@Petejc @Maymay941

Osmosis is a process were a solvent (usually water) travels down a concentration gradient, across a semipermeable membrane, until it reaches equilibrium. Imagine a barrier with a pores large enough for water molecules to pase through, but too small for sugar molecules (which are much larger). The solution on one side of the barrier has lots of sugar dissolved in it, and on the other side, just a little bit. The water on the side with only a little bit of sugar experiences an osmotic pressure from the solute imbalance, and through diffusion will travel at a differential rate, proportional to the degree of imbalance, to the other side of the membrane, until the osmotic pressure equalizes, which is normally when the concentrations are the same. That's osmosis in a nutshell.

Reverse osmosis is when you apply a hydrostatic pressure to one side of the system, like piston, or hydraulic pump, and the increased pressure overcomes the osmotic pressure, and forces the water back across the membrane, against its osmotic gradient. The membrane therefore acts as a filter, where the sugar (or whatever solute) is trapped on high pressure side, and clean water is produced on the other side of the membrane. That's reverse osmosis filtration.
I didn't drink water yesterday afternoon and was at grocery store in the evening. Decided to use the toilet but urine poured out as a broad shower as if a sponge was being squeezed not as a stream so I soaked, totally soaked my white cotton pants.
We had a friends car and i am hoping i didnt leave a smell in tbe seat....
Ps if i drink enough water in the day i get a proper stream if not its a gusher
Msuspartan, my snalogy of osmosis sounds like it was not exactly what happened with Petejc dry underwear and mote like a case of excellent waterproof fishing trousers!
Ianj I have a damaged hip so i often cant lower myself to sit before the flood gates open. Even when i do i hastily wedge some toilet paper in front because its like i have a bucking bronco trying to break out of the fence with little old me sitting astride
Ah sorry and no doubt you will not have time to take your things off I am sorry you are suffering like this would an adult nappy help with your situation
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