Covid Vaccine, 1st round, & traveling


Staff member
A number of threads have been talking about traveling this holiday season, and the difficulties of traveling with incontinence. If this link from the Washington Post works for you, you'll see a state-by-state list of the estimated first round of shots.
It looks like not even all the health care workers will get the first shot, and it requires 2 shots.
The Washington Post is making Covid stories free, right now. If the link doesn't work, try their website and look for "Health" section and the title of the article: "Tracking Vaccine Distribution, State By State".
Frankly, I'd advise NOT traveling.
Please remember that there must be a second shot for full protection, that it isn't 100%, that this is only the first round, and this is the round with the shot that requires ultra-cold storage. There are more kinds of vaccines coming, but it will take time, probably months. Hang in there and stay safe!

Thank you @AlasSouth! And thank you for reminding us that a second round will be needed.
And I definitely don't plan on traveling anywhere anytime soon! There is still too much at stake to risk it.
But when it's time I'm ready to roll up my sleeve for that shot!!!
As an airline pilot I've been flying coast to coast and everywhere in between all year. I spend 3 to 4 nights a week in hotels eating out every night and wandering airport terminals. I interact with the public almost daily. I have not been infected all year, I've tested negative every time. The pilots I know that have caught the illness have recovered with no adverse effects and said the illness was no worse than any other cold. Travel is perfectly safe. The air inside the aircraft is completely replaced every 2-4 minutes and what is recycled is passed through several HEPA filters designed to trap viruses among other things. Do not fear the world and go enjoy your lives.
@paace You insult those of who’ve had COVID for over a month. I’m in week 6 and heading for the hospital Monday because my cough is so bad. Tnere’s a guy on this forum who has been sick for several months. COVID IS ABSOLUTELY WORSE THAN A COLD; IT’S WORSE THAN THE FLU.

I don’t appreciate your flippant attitude. Disrespectful people like you are the reason the virus spreads and kills people.

I hope you get COVID. You deserve it. And I hope you get it bad.
snow said:
@paace You insult those of who’ve had COVID for over a month. I’m in week 6 and heading for the hospital Monday because my cough is so bad. Tnere’s a guy on this forum who has been sick for several months. COVID IS ABSOLUTELY WORSE THAN A COLD; IT’S WORSE THAN THE FLU.

I don’t appreciate your flippant attitude. Disrespectful people like you are the reason the virus spreads and kills people.

I hope you get COVID. You deserve it. And I hope you get it bad.

@snow I have several colleagues that have had the illness and shaken it within a week. Generally healthy people seam to get through the illness with little more strain than seasonal illnesses. On a similar note, for nearly every individual that has died from Covid-19, there has been a death (roughly 250,000 annually) caused by medical malpractice. How much trust do you want to place in your healthcare system or your government? The infection mortality rate is significantly lower than case mortality rate. I mean no disrespect to anyone, especially on this forum, but I am suggesting that we should be basing our decisions on objective reasoning and facts rather than media persuasion. Before you point your finger at me, I would suggest you look in the mirror and make sure your own hands are clean. I would never wish illness on anybody for obvious reason, and there are always cases with any illness that become long lasting battles. To say that you hope I get Covid 19 is disturbing and not indicative of an individual who would like to see this virus eradicated. I wish you well on your recovery.
Thank you for your calm and well reasoned response to a post that was IMO completely out of line in this forum. I hope the legitimate moderators of this forum take the appropriate action to ban those that would make grossly inappropriate responses of this nature or at the least strongly discourage them with the possibility of removal from this forum.
Let's not forget that people who are sick and suffering may not be as patient and kind as they usually are. Before we call for banning people, let's please take a moment to understand the depths of others' suffering, and how that might influence their behavior.

I know that when I'm sick, and especially when I've been sick for days, I can be very unpleasant. I can't imagine how I'd be after being sick for six weeks, and the worry that has to go with going in to the hospital for Covid treatment. I'm not saying it's ok to wish the virus on others, but I'm saying we might try hard to cut @Snow some slack
I'm not advocating banning users, or removing posts. Its perfectly acceptable to disagree on things and have a civil dialogue about it. I didn't take it personal and I'm certain the long recovery process weighed in on the remarks made. @snow, I appreciate every member on this forum, regardless of our differences otherwise. The more people mashing their heads together on a problem that brings us together, the better we all are in dealing with it. I see the post was removed anyways, so I will erase the quote as well, once I figure out how.
itapilot & place: On another forum (of which I am a moderator) we have a system to put members who make inappropriate posts on notice that if their inappropriate posts continue they will be banned from making any additional posts. I'm all for giving anyone a second chance but they have to understand that continued behavior of this nature will not be tolerated no matter what the circumstances. Wishing someone this level of illness seems to me to be completely out of bounds but it is commendable that you two are taking the "high road" and taking into consideration the physical condition of this poster and are willing to understand and forgive. Much respect to both of you!!!
There's a time window during which you can edit your posts. I don't recall how long that is, though. Once the time has passed, it would take a moderator to edit the post.
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