COVID and Diapers


Staff member
I was just diagnosed with COVID. Has anyone had COVID to where your incontinence has gotten worss. Before I was mainly urinary but now since getting COVID I've started to have some bowel problems too.I guess I need to get some brief diapers now.
Ok so I wasn't officially diagnosed because the hospitals were swamped and we couldn't get help however all the symptoms were aligned with Covid. After having it, my issues did get worse in long term ways. My bladder issues got worse and my sensation is less for bladder issues. I've also had trouble handling Nicotine and alcohol afterwards but that's possibly unrelated. There is a lot they don't know about long term Covid effects.
@mhart82 My bladder incontinence didn’t get worse from COVID. One of my initial symptoms of COVID was diarrhea, though. Here’s hoping you don’t get the longterm chronic cough; it’s a living hell. Mine is finally better, but I could barely breathe for five months.
@snow I don't have any diarrhea yet. Thank goodness! Do have the cough though!! You're right it is a living hell.
For my experience I was just wiped, fatigue all the time. To this day my lungs are not what they used to be, climbing stairs can be challenging, and I am finding more neurological issues coming out from hiding so to speak.
To all of those suffering with Covid, your in my thoughts. This is a horrible man made disease, and it’s doing exactly what it was designed to do; continue to evolve as its hosts gain resistance to the original release. I won’t go into the Geo-Political implications, I just wish everyone the best….
I have one sister who is a front line ER N.P. at a top ten hospital in one of the 3 biggest cities in our Country. She was all over social media as an anti-Vaxer until she brought it home and it almost killed my innocent 9 year old niece. One of my other sisters, also an ER nurse at the same hospital had to take a month off at the peak of Covid infection, to take care of the anti-Vaxer and her entire infected family, after pleading with our younger sister to get the shot.
My Sister In-Law who reminds me of you Snow, has been an athlete her whole life and now owns a large Post-Partum fitness organization, has run all of the major marathons and the Hawaii 1/2 Iron Man. Now 1 year out she needs assistance simply getting to the car in the garage and may need a lung transplant.
Please take care of yourselves and loved ones. I beg you to read the science on both the Vaccines & the horrible toll Covid takes on the human body.
Take good care MHart, wish you all the best…
@Sprung87 Thank you for your sympathy; it definitely helps. I’m sorry about your anti-vaxxer sister and poor niece. I, for one, can hardly wait to get my third booster shot ASAP. It’s the first two doses that finally helped my cough die off, which felt miraculous. Maybe the third will help me clear up my remaining lingering brain fog.
Hi @mhart82, I'm sorry to hear about your covid diagnosis and I hope that you can have a quick recovery and that you get good competent care to help you through it.
I'll be thinking of you and all of the others here who have had covid or have otherwise been touched by it.
@Sprung87, I'm sorry to see that your family members have had such a time of it with covid as well, especially with your niece and sister-in-law.
And as for everyone, I am definitely interested in that third booster shot. But with all of this going on, most days when I go to the Publix supermarkets to shop, I am encouraged to see people at the pharmacy section sitting on chairs with their vaccine paperwork as well as with a Band-Aid on their arms!!! That is very nice to see indeed!!
I was covid positive back in January I think. But I was also dealing with a severe uti and had covid pretty mild. Thank goodness. I saw no change in my incontienence
Diarrhea can be a symptom of covid, along with many other factors. In my job, I deal with the public daily. My bedwetting hasn't got any worse. I have been exposed to covid from co-workers who have had it, but thank God, I haven't got it. I work retail at a large home improvement store who recently made mask wearing mandatory for all employees and customers. Most customers don't want to wear masks and don't. I will wear them until covid is under control. I still wore a mask, even when they weren't mandatory.
@mhart82 Sorry to hear about your Covid issues, it's one nasty disease - Long Covid has definitely done a number on my bladder and bowels. I likely got Covid for a second time in December and noticed an even greater decrease in bladder control after that.

Interestingly, incontinence doesn't appear to be one of the main symptoms long haulers report but there was a BBC Radio 4 documentary and a doctor suffering from Long Covid mentioned that he had bad after dribble post-Covid. I wonder if it is less common or if it's just an embarrassment thing leading to people not reporting it in public.

I had chronic IBS and bladder weakness long before Covid though but it's definitely made things worse.
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