
Staff member
Well I am on the other side of having the COVID virus, it has been horrible! I had gone to the ER coughing so bad and couldn’t stop. They did X-ray and said I had bacterial Pneumonia and that I probably had the flu. I was swabbed for flu was negative and when that was negative they returned to the room in full alien suits. There were three or four times I thought I was going to end up in ICU but made it through!! Only thing still dealing with is the aches, extreme Exhaustion. It has taken over two weeks to get to the point I am now, so happy though! Health Department checks in two times a day and has been great if we needed anything food, meds etc. only thing I had to ask for were baby wipes. Family could not find any in the stores. I promise people be careful and follow the guidelines most states are putting into place, even if you can survive it, friends and parents may not be able to survive. I am a 47 year old male pretty healthy and I had times that I questioned if I was going to make it. Be safe everyone!!
Thanks for posting your experience, it puts it in perspective for me. I am 45, but have diabetes and complications like autonomic neuropathy which actually lead to my incontinence. My doctors have told me in no uncertain terms it could kill me. I need someone who is fairly healthy to tell me it was bad for them to remind me I need to stay home. Glad you’re getting better!
So sorry to hear that you had this viris get well soon thanks for posting on here to warn others about takeing the advice given to them get better soon
I'am glad your doing better have tried to stay in most all the time.I don't know but my autism and incontinence have been worse due to the virus stress.
Thank you for sharing, I havent known anyone personally thats had it and have been thinking this has all been blown into much more than it really is. Im glad your getting well.
@Ruhappy one of my colleagues died from it a few days ago, but she did have heart problems. It is worrying that here in the UK there have been some deaths in young people without previous health problems. Last week a 13 year old and a 21 year old died from it. Yesterday in the UK we had nearly 1000 deaths due to the virus and we don't seem to have reached the peak yet. All very unsettling.
Hi Phil and everyone,
Prayers for all of us so we stay healthy enough to get through this pandemic.
So sad for all of the losses of family members and loved ones. My heart and Prayers go out to everyone during this Global event.

Stay well,
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