Count your blessings

After having robotic surgery for prostate removal this year and doing very well post surgery, I have a lot to be thankful for! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
Happy Thanksgiving! There is always something to be grateful for, as hard as it might be to see sometimes. Make sure to find at least three things to appreciate per day, and your outlook will be brighter.

I hope none of you nor your family and friends have COVID like I do. I’m stuck alone at home - though better than the hospital. I think I got it at the dentist on the 5th, during a 2.5-hour-long appointment. They weren’t following COVID protective measures. It’s the only place I wasn’t wearing a mask, in 8.5 months. I’ve been sick for 10 days, though I had a migraine for 12 consecutive days before that, which may have been the true beginning.

Even though I have COVID, my heart is full of gratitude today. May you feel the same.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone here. Our celebration will be much smaller today but no less thankful. All week long I have making calls to and receiving calls from friends and relatives exchanging holiday greetings. The volume of contacts is up substantially from previous years. While we are feeling the separation I think many of us are also making an effort to reach out more.
Happy Thanksgiving Day everyone.
Prayers for everyone dealing with Covid and other illnesses that can’t be with their families this year.
SNOW, so sorry but glad you are sharing the day with us and look at you, practicing social distancing with all your friends here!

GOD BLESS AND KEEP YOU EVERYONE.(Or whatever force of the Universe that ticks us forward day by day, bless you)
Hi @snow, I'm really very sorry to hear about your covid and I am wishing only the very best for you and as quick and uneventful a recovery as possible. You are a very appreciated and valued part of the forum and I don't want anything to happen to you. Please do what you can to stay out of the hospital and know that everyone here is thinking of you. Please let us know if you need anything or just want to talk. You are in my thoughts.
Counting my reasons to be thankful today ---and every day. Missing my late husband's double stuffed turkey and ALL the trimmings.
@snow Get well soon. That's unfortunate you got it at the dentist. I hope you let them know too!

@laalaauk I let them know; they denied it. They were following the state protocols. I already turned them into the Utah Dental Association and the health department twice this year. I don’t understand because the dentist is 79 years old and his wife has terminal stomach cancer (SUPER prone to COVID), but he still works and pulls his mask down.
snow - so sorry to hear you got COVID-19. Hope you will share with us your symptoms and how you were affected by the virus. These viruses are so different. I hope this one is not like the chicken pox that stays in one's body and erupts many years later as a mutated form of the pox. That's a good reason for people to get vaccinated when it becomes available. I hope you recover completely with no adverse conditions.
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