Controlling People


Staff member
Hey Guys,

I hope you guys are all doing well today. Its been a beautiful couple of days out here. Does anybody know much of anything about BiPolar Disorder? I have Borderline Personality Disorder - but the past couple of months in my significant others recovery has been rocky in terms of emotions. But today ive also been thinking about not only how my significant others emotions are controlling - but they seem to resemble the controlling aspects of my Dad and step mother as well.

I havent spoken to my Dad and Step Mother in a while - but i suppose i can say my heart hurts some days because i want to be included 100% but i know that will never happen. Its like my step dad said - a "facade". But moving on...

Anyway, i woke up yesterday and the first thing my significant other does is tell me not talk to them, grabs my keys and runs out the door. As if they owned MY car. But yet with BiPolar disorder; the old them still comes out every once in a while. So i dont really know how to help them and get them on a better road in life in terms of helping our relationship.

The remainder of the evening was actually pretty nice; we do still have good days together and its nice to be able to have that. But yet, even this morning - i let them sleep in and then when they woke up - they told me "shut up, your doing good, leave me alone".

Im doing good? I dont know guys. I suppose this stems back from the thoughts of my Dad controlling my life in order to appease my step mother. He used to go through my trash and recyclables; keep track of my friends and my whereabouts; but yet we havent done anything as a family in gosh..10+ years.

Not only that; these past holidays have been a facade in the sense that i almost feel like others have been trying to show others that i am involved - when in reality im not.

Can anybody relate to this?

Blessings In Christ,
I wish your life was surrounded with better circumstances (and people). I was lucky enough to have had a family growing up that was totally supportive. Part of that is letting children try and fail and to learn from the experience. I hope that things get better for you, but I have no words of wisdom to share - only my sincere thoughts and prayers. Here's hoping that tomorrow is a better day for you than today!
I will be a bit biased on this subject. My sister is bipolar and my ex wife was bipolar. All I can say to people in a relationship like that as far and as fast as gou can from your significant other. The grief is not worth it and life is too short. I know that makes me sound like a heartless bastard....but in reality my heart was all but destroyed by these people. Once again sorry.
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