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Chad Bosman star of the high grossing movie Black Panther just died of colon cancer what are the chances he had pain and stomach issues during filming. Maybe one might assume, evenn needing diapers? 2018 was 2 years ago when filming. a magazine on line has an article about dating with IBS and cohtins disease
Hi @Maymay41, I saw that obituary and he must have hidden the pain and stomach issue pretty well. Humans can endure to impossible lengths when they have to and that includes finishing a job even if you're deathly ill.
But your post here really brought something home for me, speaking of colon cancer.
Maybe about four or five years ago (my memory for dates is not all that great) I had persistent heartburn and it began to bother me. I went to my regular doctor and he said I needed an endoscopy, which will be done with general anesthesia at the hospital.
"And while we're doing that, why don't we do your first colonoscopy?" he said.
"Uhhhhm, oookaaaaaay," I replied, not too enthusiastically.
I went to the GI dr he recommended and the GI dr confirmed my doctor's suspicions that I needed those two procedures. There was no way out of it at that point! The doctor had a list of dates in October that he could do the procedures.
"Uhhhhh," I replied. "Can I....well, just, er, think about it?"
I still wasn't too enthused about the preparation, yucky medicines to clean you out, having to beg rides from someone, the clear liquid diet, anesthesia, being in the hospital, and all of that.
The doctor said for me to think about it but not to take too long as those dates would soon be gone.
Not two days later I went outside and picked up the Orlando Sentinel that was delivered to me. It was a nice day and stayed out. I came to the section with the obituaries. There was one that stood out. There was a photo of a man who was a businessman in Clermont. He was 50. That prompted me to read what had happened,. The obit said point-blank he had colon cancer and that he had never found time for a colonoscopy and had he done so he might still be alive. The article summed up his battle with cancer and ended by saying that if you haven't had a colonoscopy please do so. That was the man's final wish for everyone.
I marched right back inside, called the GI dr office and said, "Is Oct. 10 still open?"
I was told it was and I said, "Then I'd like to come in for my colonoscopy, please."
They found a couple of small polyps which were snipped out and also said I have GERD and was given a prescription.
@ritanofsinger, Thank you! I was just thinking that "something" told me to go out and look at the paper that day. Can't really explain it but I only get that paper on Thursdays and Sundays. If that obituary had run on another day I would have missed it completely! And I got to wondering if I hadn't seen that obituary I probably would have agonized over deciding to get a colonoscopy because I'm really scared of medical procedures that I'm not familiar with and I would have found every excuse in the world to put it off!
I have had another colonoscopy since and I didn't hesitate since I already knew what it would be like. So although I didn't know the man from Clermont, his final wish impacted me in a big way indeed!
I've had 3 colonoscopies in the 17 years... First two, nothing found, this last one, they found and removed 1 polyp. Since I've had two friends die of colon cancer, UNDER age 50, I'll never hesitate to have one done. Yes, the prep is a pain, but the peace of mind afterwards makes it all worth it!!!
You've really said it, @MikeD9876. I think I'm due for another in two years. By that time I hope they have prep medicine that's more palatable. The first one they just had me taking a bunch of Miralax. But the second one it was a different doctor and they gave me something came in like a gallon jug and powder which you mix with water and put it in the fridge. There was a packet of lemon flavoring. Gawd! That stuff was vile!:(:(. I was amazed I even finished it up! Well that's because I didn't want to be told to come back again and have to drink that stuff again!
But yes, when the time comes I will do it again because as you say that peace of mind is worth the liquid diet and vile medicine!
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