CONSTANT Dribble or spray of urine


Staff member
Hello I posted in the past and thought I would try again. As it seems, I have a problem that no one I know has. I’m a 51-year-old male with urinary retention and every five minutes to even one minute I spray small drops of urine. This is going on throughout the day every day and it’s driving me absolutely crazy.

The spritzers of urine are so small that I’m not even wet. But I can constantly feeling rubbing against my skin. I recently tried the neurostimulation from Medtronic and saw absolutely no difference.

question, does anyone have a similar issue with leaking small amounts of urine literally every 5 minutes with no other pre existing conditions?

Thank you
Hi mustangmike.
I reported some time ago that I have what I called a perception of dampness. While I don’t have the spritzer you speak of I do have this imperceptible feeling of slight leakage that makes me feel “ humid” down there. I’m an experimenter so I’ve tried to get this under control by trying various processes.

I too get odd feeling that is a bit like chafing. For that I tried a barrier cream with little success.

I’ve tried an experimental penis clamp device which worked, the device will be available sometime soon. When I see it available I’ll likely buy it.

I’ve weighed my pads before and after and record changes so low my physio thought they were sweat. Still the feeling remained.

My current method is I use a very low level single pad, I fold the pad to make a sort of funnel, I place this on my penis and tuck it into. My underwear. It won’t stop any leakage but it does contain it with no contact on my skin. It’s working, but not perfect. If I use a white pad, any leaked urine stains the pad so I can keep track.

I spoke with my PT and urologist. They both told me to make sure the urethra is empty after toileting. To do this manually run your finger with some pressure along the entire length of the urethra and dry off the end of your penis.

I also do a regular set exercise routine of kegels.

Happy to answer any questions.

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