Coital Incontinence (or coital urinary incontinence)


Staff member
I just joined this forum. It's been years since I've been on a regular forum. I use Facebook a lot. I may have pelvic organ prolapse, have SUI (stress urinary incontinence) and OAB (overactive bladder). I hate doing Kegels (but will if it will help) and am a little overweight. In the past few months, things have changed during sex and I notice when wiping, too, a pressure there makes me want to urinate. It's happened mostly when I have been on top. Wanting to connect with any other women going through this. Unfortunately, we are now not engaging in sexual intercourse and are starting to grow apart a bit. It's sad!

Would appreciate any thoughts, support, direction.

Thank you.
So sorry this is happening to you!! Does your partner know of your issues? I would make sure you talk to a dr and get to a GYN and see what’s going on. You can manage this!! Just do your research and get to the dr.!! There are ways to keep the bed dry during sex, just be creative, this is such a small issue in the big picture. Get some products to help keep you dry for now until you can find a solution. Best of luck to you!!
Especially see a Urologist and a GYN. UTIs and vaginal yeasts and such are not fun and will stop a sex life, too. Speaking from experience. Incontinence makes it harder to avoid, so do what you can and what they recommend.
Not an expert in this area by far but first I exco the first two responses, and maybe it would help to pee first to reduce some pressure,
Ana said:
I just joined this forum. It's been years since I've been on a regular forum. I use Facebook a lot. I may have pelvic organ prolapse, have SUI (stress urinary incontinence) and OAB (overactive bladder). I hate doing Kegels (but will if it will help) and am a little overweight. In the past few months, things have changed during sex and I notice when wiping, too, a pressure there makes me want to urinate. It's happened mostly when I have been on top. Wanting to connect with any other women going through this. Unfortunately, we are now not engaging in sexual intercourse and are starting to grow apart a bit. It's sad!

Would appreciate any thoughts, support, direction.

Thank you.

Ana... Look on line for some place that has a Kegel chair.. 11,000 Kegel in just a few minutes of sitting on this high tech chair.
Not gonna lie, I originally read this as "colital", not "coital". considering the subject of this website can you blame me?
we have sexual issues based on my fecal incontinence has become rather mechanical for me,,,just trying not to have an issue (which I am successful at because I don't participate unless everything is OK at the moment). but also trying to keep my husband in some state of reasonableness. This whole thing becomes depressing, I also agree with the people above, a gyn and urologist and reading to help get to a decent place. Also other sexual activities and cuddling that does not involve vaginal areas can help gap until you get some of the medical issues figured out.
I am 21, and I've been dealing with what I think is urinary incontinence for a year now. Problems started happening when I turned 20. I am so confused because I keep reading a lot of things that says it occurs with women who are usually over the age of 35, and my mother-in-law whole heartily doubts that I am going through such a thing. But I am actually having troubles controlling my bladder!

I've peed on myself 3 times at work because I just could not hold it ! In the middle of sex I have to pee, almost every time ! And I don't know if this might be a factor, but I read online that weakened pelvic floors affects how "tight" you are down there, and my husband has told me that I'm not very tight in certain positions (missionary mostly). I am so annoyed about all of this. I've been to the doctor, they've examined my urethra and my vagina and etc, but every single one says I'm okay and normal. I even asked the doctors to examine my vagina on it's "tigtness" and they were super confused, but they said I was normal. I've been examined for UTI's, none. The doctors actually found that there are high traces of blood in my urine, but they said, some people just have higher traces, so it's normal for me.

I am just extremely confused. I don't know if I'm squirting or peeing when I have sex because literally before I have sex I always empty my bladder, but still my vagina manages to shoot out a waterfall while I'm having sex! Like what ?! I don't know what's going on. I'm trying to see if there's any other 20 something year old women that are going through even remotely of what I'm going through. Please help!
@Jenovia you may be just squirting during sex. Some girls are quite voluminous! My (somewhat limited) experience with this is squirting doesn't have the urine smell.

It does sound like you need to keep at the doctors to help you as tough as that seems.
@Squander You're right, the liquid that comes out during sex does not smell like urine and it's clear but it's just a lot. It's so weird. I don't know, I was just a bit worrisome about it since my ability to hold my bladder is worsening as years go by. I have no children and I am only 21, so I have no idea why I am having so much trouble right now. Could it be related to sex ?
Squander you aren’t the only one who slept in the wet spot. Jenovia, most of the guys I know would think they were the luckiest guys around if their significant others had that problem. And certainly don’t let that get in the way of intimacy. Everyone’s bodies react differently to stimulation. Just kind of the way we are made I guess.
Hope everyone has a good weekend!
Kind regards,
@Jenovia, I had a friend that I was close too, when I was much younger, and she had the same issues, she did he same as you did, talked and had procedures done with a urogyn. Turned out they didn't find anything neither. She also had several releases, and most included lots of fluid. I was incontinent back then, and she knew that.

In a odd way we celebrated the news together.
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