Cialis/tadalafil gives me indigestion/flushes. Argh


Staff member
Actually spoke to the andrologist today and she said stop taking the Tadalafil since it's not agreeing with me and because no one is entirely sure that it actually works in accelerating the return to normal from post-RALP ED. I'm 3 months post-op which most everyone says is too early to get back to normal in any event, despite my luck in having had a bilateral nerve sparing RALP. Have heard that the nerves can take up to 12 months (or more) to normalise and I couldn't bear the thought of having 9 more months of headaches/acid reflux etc for an outcome that the doctor herself says is uncertain. Meaning I'll be relying solely on the pump now to get the blood flowing...and cross my fingers that the system works again one day.

Does anyone else have any knowledge/thoughts/advice re the efficacy of Tadalafil ie Cialis? The doc said I should switch now from the 5mg daily I've been doing for the last month to zero daily and then 10mg or 20mg when my wife and I finally decide to give it a try. Whenever that is (not for quite a few months certainly). Does that make sense? Or am I reducing my chances of recovery from post-op ED by stopping the daily Tadalafil? Man, this is all intimate personal stuff so I'm glad we're writing one another anonymously. But I sincerely appreciate the solidarity and shared experiences. Thanks in advance
I am 6-7 months out from robotic RP and am on tadalafil and have been on it since very early after surgery. I have seen no good effects from taking it, but hoping it is doing something to help. I too have belching but take so many meds, wasn't sure which one or if something I ate was causing it, as it is not all the time. No reflux for me, though, as I also take Omeprazole for that - and it WORKS for me!

Although I've seen no results from the tadalafil, I am being patient, since is supposed to take 1-2 years for results (due to nerve damage, etc.) but I also am using a pump, when I can and am also on Trimix injections when the time comes for intimacy - that also WORKS for me!

Just trying to keep the vascular works in good shape until the nerves can catch up! I was told I should completely recover, in time, but I know each person is different. If it ever happens, that will be wonderful...if not, I can cope, this side of the ground! LOL!!!

+God+bless+ and good luck on the other side of the 'pond'!
I am 7 months post Ralp, I am taking 5mg Tadalafil daily and have not noticed any side effects. I was also prescribed a pump about 6 weeks ago and have been using that for exercise on the basis of my CSN recommendation that it was a good idea to help blood circulation on a regular basis. I cannot say I have noticed any benefit from the Tadalafil but I hope it may be doing some good in the background. I have found the pump though to be spectacular for exercise purposes. I have been amazed how well it works for excercise but I have not tried it for practical puposes. In the UK it seems to be standard practice for 5mg /day of Tadalafil to be prescribed. There are of course other ED meds and I wonder whether any of those are suitable for the purpose and would suit you Alan. Whether you should give up on the 5mg is something only you can decide upon. Two days ago in the Daily Mail there was an article on an ED cream called ""Eroxon "". I just did a Google and it comes up in the seaarch. The article was interesting I found. It has just received approval and is on sale in Boots, etc, It occurs to me that this may be of interest to you if in due course you find you have problems with the higher tablet dose. Yes this is ""intimite personal stuff"" and a year ago I wouldn't have talked about such things to anyone. Thing is since the embarressment of my biopsy i now find I can talk to anyone about anything.
Eroxon® is approved as a treatment for erectile dysfunction in the EU and UK and has been submitted to the US FDA for approval.

Not yet on this side of the 'pond'...

I have a question, though: (@static) - if the reason for ED is damaged nerves due to robotic RP (in my case), how would the cream work (stimulate nerves) when they are damaged?

Didn't see that in the FAQ or elsewhere on their website...
@iuwogeo. That is a very good point and I don't know the answer. Indeed, the development and use of this cream for ED is probably relatively new. I understand it was originally developed for other reasons and somehow was found or maybe thought that it could treat ED. It was then modified specifically for ED. The actual clinical trials appear to have been very limited. I suppose it would be a case of try it and see.
@static: Thanks - let us know how it goes!

We have a while to wait before it even goes on the market the U.S.

I could see it working on men w/o nerve damage, just didn't know how it would work on those with damage from RP, other surgical procedures or accidents, etc...

Thanks for sharing!
Always good to know about new products!
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