Checking In (Again!)


Staff member
Hey all, thought I'd check in - hope everyone's well. The YourGutPlus supplements have really helped bowel incon/IBS wise and it's taken the edge of the brain fog, so whilst still bad enough I can't work or study I feel more like me if that makes sense. Fatigue's as bad as ever unfortunately.

I feel I've been making real progress with the kegels, more dry mornings and I'm making it to the toilet more often. The arrival of the hot weather has meant I've been drinking more (especially when I've been 'exercising' (i.e. sim racing/physio stuff - not up for proper stuff quite yet!) so I've been having more accidents but I'm trying to not get too disheartened. My Mum thinks risking side effects and the dementia risk isn't worth it so playing the long game with the kegels is the way to go as they appear to be working and I'm inclined to agree.

It's also been a bit of a period of learning not to pin all my hopes on various miracle cures or devices. The external catheter wasn't for me - it was too fiddly and too much work and I prefer the absorbent underwear option as it feels less intrusive and I am able to make it to the toilet in time now and again. I'd rather try and fail to make it to the toilet (even if that's a regular occurrence!) than give up completely. Given my progress I did try and just use some washable training pants but my issues are still too bad really. Every time I risk it protection level wise, I end up regretting it. Was hoping my last big order of thick plastic backed products would be my last but I had to do another one. Like others, I'm worried that prices and delivery costs will go up and there does appear to be stock issues.

I got my new powerchair which isn't too lightweight so the taxi issue remains. On the upside, in the right conditions I can get to the station by myself so that's something. Due to my autism I hate speaking on the phone but conquered that to use the reliable wheelchair/special needs taxi company here. I should also be getting carer's allowance so should be able to go out and watch Charlton soccer matches more easily which would be something! It's definitely an upgrade though - much more comfortable, no messing around on the doortstep attaching the drive system and better battery life.

In terms of GP/benefit stuff it's still doing my head in and causing a lot of stress but I've got my neuro-physio to write to the GP and the person from the council who did a care assessment. I think the GP thinks I'm trying it on and so refuses to give me long sick notes(which is annoying as this has been going on for two years and there's no shortage of evidence!). The neuro-physio didn't inspire much confidence but at least she should be able to refer me somewhere better.

In terms of things to look forward to, I'm going to the Harry Potter Studio Tour with my father this weekend and have got the London Film and Comic Con in July which should be great - lots of "Star Trek" actors there, including William Shatner, which is a real bucket list thing for me as "The Original Series" was my favourite era as a kid. Just praying I don't catch Covid beforehand!

So lots of stress, still annoying symptoms but equally some stuff to be positive about. Hoping that I'll eventually be able to ditch the thick plastic backed products even if it's probably some way off.
Your positive attitude is so important to maintain. I'm sure it is tough to do so at times, but with your update, it's obvious you have positive vibes. Thanks for sharing and enjoy all of the events you have planned.
@fleemoore Thanks! The fact I can start to see some progress gives me hope - it can take years to get over Chronic Fatigue and FND stuff so I know it'll probably take months (or even years) but I'm confident I'll get there eventually.
Good luck with the kegels- I hope it bears fruit. Your mother is right- the risk of dementia can't be overstated.
Hey @scififan:

It is good to hear from you my friend. I really hope the kegals work out for you and I hope you have a good time at the Harry Potter Studio.

Things on my end are doing fair to say the least. My significant others mood is improving and I am doing my best to put my best foot forward for advocating for myself.

Bladder Control wise - it has its ups and its down. I'm really lazy about kegaling but I'm doing my best to get out there and be active more. I've found an increase in energy in doing so. I hope your having a good time with your racing Sim; I still have yet to get the new Lego Star Wars.

My urinary urgency is constant and with small amounts. I don't think I'll ever truly have the bladder I did years ago. I threw away my sleeping bag the other day; the one I used to sleep in on the couch back 2 years ago when I start exhibiting symptoms. It's been stored in my closet as a reminder of how far we will go to not wear protection.

Chin up, and stay mentally and emotionally active. And your not unusual for choosing more protective briefs. When my bladder condition worsened back during the pandemic - I will attest that is something I did.

Sometimes we as humans who have gone through the humiliation of feeling infantile for our condition - hurt ourselves by being put in a state in which we were conditioned to feel.

It happens. Anyway, I will be praying for you over here in the States. Thinking of you.

Blessings In Christ,
@jeffswet - Yeah, it really annoys me when doctors lie and say that there aren't any side effects. I get it, they want a quick fix so they can discharge you and move on but sometimes the long way round can be the best approach.

@Honeeecombs Thanks! Pleased to hear your significant other's mood is improving. I'm behind on Lego Star Wars as well (been really enjoying the Obi-Wan series!).

I get what you mean about the sleeping bag thing. I've never been able to stay dry completely. It's mad how much laundry I used to do and I must have smelled all the time as well.

I think in terms of the briefs, I've just yet to find a better solution which, whilst frustrating, is something I've just accepted. It's probably because I wore them as a kid that I don't feel it's as big of an issue. What frustrates me is that the continence care team seem obsessed with getting me out of them as, in their words, "someone your age shouldn't be wearing nappies" but when their alternatives cause leaks and/or are far cumbersome, it creates more work and with my fatigue it's added domestic chores I can do without. They don't seem to understand that I have to use what is most comfortable and reliable to not be governed by my bladder and bowel issues. If they really wanted me out of them (and nobody wants to be out of them more than me!) then maybe they should try chasing up my referrals.

My own theory is that they're probably on a drive from the council to get people to cut down on waste, which I can understand, but then find me something that works as well. I'm hoping if my issues keep improving, I can switch to washable training pants.
Consult with the Job Centre who do the benefits stuff wasn't too bad but I have huge phone anxiety. I used my pressure vest and stim toys and didn't go into complete meltdown mode afterwards which was good but I'm so frustrated at how many steps back I've taken autism wise. Dealing with all the disability stuff and not being able to work and socialise has really set me back. It's mad how I was able to hold down high pressure jobs but now I'm all over the place.

Because of the GP not giving me long sick notes and often being late with them I have to have weekly phone calls and it's really doing me in.

I'm still unable to juggle the double whammy of autism and physical disability in terms of coping strategies.
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