Check your detectors.


Staff member
My community was rocked today with yet another house fire. This time four people lost their lives and a fifth is clinging to life.

One thing that my cousin who is a firefighter that was at the fire was that no smoke detectors were in the house.

I have never met any of you face to face but I hope for the best for you so please check your smoke detectors.
ThatFLGuy -- Thanks for the reminder. We just bought a new smoke/carbon monoxide detector & installed it right away! I guess watching Chicago Fire & the other shows like it on TV always serve as a reminder to me how dangerous fires are!!

It truly is crazy. This is the fourth house within my small town (Literally within sight of my apartment) that has burned down.

I have a lot of families that are firefighters so this hits very close to home for me.
Also, make sure your mattress was made with fire retardant, unlike a bunch of the cheap mail order variety like the new Purple, made from, guess where? Here in Utarded Utah.

Keep your bedrooms shut, too. Watch this if you don't believe me:

before you Doze.

Especially if you have pets, keep them in there with you.
We change our batteries twice a year when we put the clocks back and ahead. We also check our vehicle for recalls at those two times. And we don't just CHECK the batteries - we CHANGE the batteries. This system of timing has worked well for us to remember these important details.
@treutleinelizabet Oh what a FANTASTIC idea!!!! I just have annual alerts in your phone but your way is even better! Any other things you do on those days?
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