Cbd - anyone else having luck with it?


Staff member
I’ve been taking CBD tablets the last 5 or 6 days and noticed not only better sleep and significant pain relief but also my bladder is much less active. I’m going 2 hrs between bathroom trips and leaking a lot less often.
Yep. It’s been damn good for me. I don’t wanna get political here but I’m very glad that our new govorner legalized CBD over the counter sales to anyone with no restriction. Congress and Trump should do it nationally.
Not sure. But call your local Vitamin shoppe store. If legal there they will have it. They have a full range of cbd at all the Chicago area stores. That’s where I’ve gotten mine. Not sure where else it’s available because I haven’t looked.
It’s all over the place in Maryland. CBC and if you have what they call a “green” card or canibis card then you can buy medicinal marijuana also. My neighbor has crone’s (not sure about spelling). And she is doing allot better with her symptoms. I’ve tried bd oil and ointment and if you use it on joints regularly it does seem to relieve some pain and inflammation.
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