Can i ask


Staff member
Has anyone when they first go into relationship stopped wetting the bed for months ,i did it for little while with my ex husband of 24 years stopped just for 6 months when first met him ,then it all came back .Then when i divorced met another man who i really adored i was with him for 6 years and with him just wet the bed about ,5 times in 6 years with him but he never made me feel ashamed ,like my husband use to tell me i was lazy get up go to the toilet ,i suffered mental abuse for a very long time ,with him ,and my mum made me feel crap about it to then ,now my beautiful partner has died suddently and I'm now back to full on bed wetting ,but must point this out if i was at my house not sleeping with my partner of 6 years i would set myself to in my bed .Hope you all understand what i mean here.
Sounds like this may be accompanied by the mental abuse you received. I've never had that happen but my issue is muscular. The body and mind work in odd ways together and I would imagine if your mind isn't in a healthy place your body will follow. Such a shame you had to endure that abuse!! My ex-wife was mentally abusive to me and our kids and still plays mind games with the kids but for the most part they see through it now. My daughter had problems at night with wetting until she was 12 then she seemed to mature as a person and it went away. Seeing a councilor might help or just talked through it with others may be the key as well. We all have things we need to work on in life, no reason to ever be ashamed of who we are as long as your being a good person!!
Thank you very much ,very nice to hear from you ,but i do think yes a lot about abuse rest can't control sometimes especially the night thing when I'm on my own
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