Botox treatment problems /for OAB problems


Staff member
Had Botox treatment 5-14-2021. Fist ten days ok,then developed urin retention.ER visit catheter placed. 6-1-2021 catheter removed.Within hours developed urine retention again. ER visit new catheter. Now Doc says in need to self catheterize. Any suggestions,comments advice. Thanks
Im so sorry to hear that. Its why i didn't go for that option. I asked about retention and the urologist said if it happens it will most likely resolve as the botox wears off over a couple months. Never had it personally tho.
Onset retention usually only lasts about 3-4 weeks before your pvr is in an acceptable range. Did your Dr show you how to self cath beforehand?

I cath 4 times a day. Make sure you are using hydrophilic catheters, as they make a world of difference. I use the Bard Magic3Go, but there are tons of companies that are happy to provide samples.

It helps with cathing if you stretch your penis upward while inserting the catheter. It was trial and error, but I found that helped getting around the u-bend of the prostate and sphincters.

Also, D-Mannose. Take it daily.
Yes, sounds pretty normal, personally I liked not having constant painful spasms. But really you need to be ready to self cath, or have the Foley. My current urologist told me he would start me again on Botox and also place the suprapubic. I'm not ready for that.... yet
I love Botox (though I hate the painful injections) and have never had retention problems from Botox. I’m sorry that’s happening to you. How many units did you receive? I first got 100, but 200 works best for me and that’s what I get now. My doctor responsibly made sure I knew how to self-cath before he gave me my first set of injections. He also gave me cath supplies in advance.
Has anyone experienced Botox not working after several times of having it? My last 2 Botox injections have not worked at all. My Urologist is ready to schedule another, but I’m concerned that it just doesn’t work for me any more. Botox is the only thing that has eliminated my pain entirely, when it works.
@Kathylp How much are you getting? I switched from 100u to 200u and it made a big difference. It may also help if you have it under sedation.
@Kathylp I haven’t experienced a reduction in Botox efficacy, but I’ve only been getting the injections for four years. How long have you been getting them?

How many units do you receive? You *can* increase the number of units. I started at 100 but by the second time, was up to 200 (because 100 wasn’t effective), where I’ve stayed. Most American doctors start you at 100. Doctors in the UK and Australia often start at 300. You can’t go higher than 400 units in your body at any given moment. If you get Botox for any other reason (like for migraines, or cosmetic purposes), be sure your different doctors know about it so you don’t drift into the realm of toxicity, as Botox is in the top two most deadly toxins on the planet. Very interesting to read about it on Wikipedia.

I suspect that your condition is worsening, rather than the Botox not working any more, because Botox tolerance doesn’t occur.

Ask your urologist if you can increase the number of units you receive.
@NoCans Why does being anesthetized make Botox work better than if you get it while awake (the only way my doc does it)?
You don’t feel a thing if you’re knocked out. If you have extreme pain to start with, why would you let them inflict more pain on you?
@Kathylp I don’t have a choice. My insurance doesn’t pay for Botox under anesthesia, nor does my doctor do it that way.

Getting a tooth pulled under a local, at a dentist, only costs $150. Getting it pulled under full anesthesia: $900. I doubt very many people in America can afford to go under anesthesia to get Botox. Interestingly, in every other country, botox for the bladder is only administered under full anesthesia.
I was getting 100 units for several times, and just this last time, it was increased to 150 units. My bladder has shrunk to the size of a walnut, so not sure how much more it could handle.
The injections go into the walls of your bladder muscle. They don’t take up space. They are quickly absorbed.
@snow It's my understanding when you are under they can prove the walls for response a little bit more and optimize where is best injected.

Ive always done it awake so I can't speak from experience, just repeating what my Urologist said to me
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