Botox results


Staff member
The Botox I had earlier this month finally kicked in all the way. The good part is that I'm not having bladder spasms anymore, and I haven't had an accident for a week now. The bad part is that I'm having even more retention than usual. I measured yesterday, and I was able to hold 500 ml in my bladder, but 350 ml was retained and had to be drained with a catheter.

These results are way better than my previous round of Botox last August. This time was with a different doctor, and I wonder if he did something different with the injections (different area, or injecting it deeper into the muscle, maybe) to make it work so much better this time. It hurt a lot more this time to get the injections, but it only took a few minutes so it wasn't too bad overall.

Has anybody else had widely variable results from Botox? I'm not sure what to make of it, though I'm sure happy with the results!
I find it works amazingly with my bladder. Didn't notice any difference of the three lots I have had so far.

Just want to say be careful with retention and getting a uti from urine staying in your bladder too long. I was recommended to self Cath every 2 hours which is woeking fine for me. And drink 2 litres of fluids throughout the day.

I think BOTOX is a game changer, especially in cases of bad oab.
@ltapilot Every time, I am so relieved to get Botox. They’re consistently reliable for me. I love it.
Hey @itapilot:

In regards to Botox, it was something that was discussed with my urologist but something he didn't recommend for myself. He pointed towards the interstim mostly.

However, it may be something I could try in the future - but I kinda want to focus on the interstim when I'm back on insurance. Right now, I'm uninsured due to financial reasons and I have to go to a place to see if I can get back on the "marketplace" as they call it where I'm from.

I'm so happy to hear the Botox is working for you! My mother has been getting botox injections for her bladder problems and she swears by em!!

Botox was highly variable for me but worked well enough to do for years. Happy this one worked! You should note it to the Doctor so they can note the locations of injection and I would also note the timing since last injection - I found some lasted better than others and there seemed to be a cumulative effect depending on the timing. I will also note, how the Botox is handled and prepped is super important, new doc might be doing it better than the other one. Glad it is working!
@totalinco Oh wow, about the accumulative effect, and the various locations of injections. So you mean, that tgey help more if you get them closer together? I had no idea! I get 200 CCs with 44 injection sites. What torture we go through just to pee less! I know the efficacy of mine go down remarkable by the end of the third month (gradually), but I swear I still get some benefit nine months later. But that’s really it.
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