Botox Injections to Relax Bladder


Staff member
Has anyone had botox injections to relax the bladder as a treatment for OAB? If yes, did you have to catheter for a lon period after the injections?
This topic has been discussed numerous times. I have had Botox many times and never went home with a catheter. Check the past messages.
yes I had Botox probably 4 or 5 times never had a catheter. i am done with Botox and trying a Axonics procedure now. still in trial period yet, but I think its helping.
Yes. I have botox done every 6-9 months to relax the bladder and sphincter muscles. I have detruser sphincter dyssynergia on top of neurogenic bladder. I have no feeling in my bladder that tells me when my bladder is full. With the dyssynergia my bladder doesn't contract fully to empty and at the same time the sphincter doesn't relax to allow passage.

I have the botox done to basically allow the urine to pass easily without building up. With this I don't have to cath at all. I do have to wear diapers though as I leak without control afterwards. This is purposeful for me though as I can't tolerate caths for multiple reasons.
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