Body sweats with nightly incontinence


Staff member
Does anyone else on here experience ongoing nightly incontinence (and by this I mean full on, take you by surprise, uncontrollable bladder emptying) along with profuse night time body sweating? I am only 26, so I don't think it's hormonal (eg menopausal), but no idea yet. It's not a UTI. It's driving me crazy and very sleep disruptive. Just trying to see if anyone else has this nightly sweating problem, along with incontinence. and if so do you know why (is it directly relsted to the bladder problems) and how do you manage it?
Thanks so much!
Welcome to the forum

For starters you should run the issue by your doctor of course. For Incontinence at night a washable bed pad (can order on line or in bedding aisle of department store and night or maximum strength disposable underwear can be bought from stores in the feminine hygiene aisle or there are various types on line but for starters s product like Depends. Is no do scary. You might want to have a plastic bag next to the bed to dispose of it and change big you are woken by wetness (throw it first thing in the morning of course).

If your mattress is currently soiled from unexpected urinating tinkle baking soda on it liberally and sleep on that to squash it in then vacuum the powder up (it's a very good natural absorbent). Put a waterproof mattress cover on the mattress under the bedsheet.

I recently read an article about putting a bag of frozen peas in a dishtowel on ones upper chest below the neck to cool the vagus nerve which causes anxiety because of inflammation. This is off the cuff information seeing the doctor to rule out things like diabetes is the first step. This information on your health is done by a urine sample band a blood test.
I know when you are 26 it's Overwhelming when the body acts badly so take a breath make that call for a appointment.
@JH2025 Welcome to our forum! You will find many kind, helpful people here, both men and women. We'll help you get sorted. I'm sorry to hear you're going through this experience at such a young age. There are many young people here, also - quite a few your age.

Diapers are your best friend, that is the first thing you need to accept. At your grocery, look in the adult diaper section that is typically next to the tampon section. Look for Depend's "Night Defense" in your size. They're a good product to start with. If you need even more protection after that, we can make suggestions. Also, buy some disposable bedpads that will be in the same section. Lay them overlapping on one another, underneath your bed's fitted sheet so that if you do leak through the diaper, your bedpad will catch the rest.

I have the nighttime incontinence after severing some nerves between my bladder and my spine, while falling down a cliff. Because I was born with PolyCystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD), I had reproductive cancer by age 42 and had to have a hysterectomy, which put me into instant menopause (a horrible, horrible experience - the hormonal shift). I think that even though you may not be having menopause, you are experiencing something hormonal. I would go to an endocrinologist to have lots of labwork done. An OB/GYN *thinks* they know how to fix your hormones, but they don't. Also, be aware, Premature Menopause is a condition that exists, but unless your periods have totally stopped for at least year, that's probably not what you have going on.

I don't think your incontinence and sweating are related, though of course they always could be. For incontinence, you should definitely see a urologist.

Did you recently start a different kind of birth control? That can mess with your hormones and make you sweat.

As for the sweating....... ugh, how much I absolutely despise it. Wear the thinnest nightshirt you can and try to sleep with less bedding (I'm not good at that), and run cool air alllllllllllll night. Put a little $10 desktop fan next to your pillow to refresh you.
Welcome! I second the fan. I have an oscillating fan that I keep pointed directly at my body so it runs head to toe and back again (even with the a/c on) and it was literally the only thing that helped. Also, agree with @Snow, typical ob/gyn might not be the best bet. Seek out a urogyn (often have the initials FPMRS) as they tend to deal with more advanced and unusual issues. I'm not sure if your two issues are related but both are things that urogyns deal with so that might be a good place for you to start.
@Maymay941 thank you for the welcome and advice. I do have a urologist and we are still trying to figure out what is going on with me. I like the bag of peas idea. I will try it.

@snow thank you for the welcome and all your suggestions and thoughts. Sorry to hear all you have gone through! I appreciate you sharing your point of view. I didn't think about an endocrinologist but that seems like something I should look into. No change to my birth control. My bedroom in the winter is on the cold side already, so not sure about using a fan, but I will try anything! Lol.

@JSSSSCC thanks for your welcome and advice. I will see about getting a urogyn. Good idea.
Just a thought, as I have no experience with menopause etc. but I am always warm/Hot! Last year I bought a few Under Armor T-Shirts, it was time to retire some of my many Harley T’s! The Under Armor shirts are amazing. After wearing them for a few days having to put on a regular cotton T felt like a winter coat! If you don’t mind sleeping in a T-Shirt I highly recommend as a cheap solution.
Hope they figure this out for you!
Welcome Jh2025. I have to get up 2-3 times a night to change night pads that I put inside my heavy duty alternative underwear(diapers). My preferred term. I had a peripheral nerve pain device inserted in my back a year ago and they think it migrated and affected my bladder/renal nerves. I feel the urine coming but I can’t stop it. Anyway, I agree about the endocrinologist for the night sweats. That needs diagnosing. Hope you can get some good ideas from the wonderful friends here.Gotta try some Under Armor T-shirts for comfort. Ps: I am a female, age old.
Hi @Jh2025, Welcome to our forum and you will find there is a lot of good advice here and everyone is friendly and helpful! So please feel free to say what's on your mind and you'll get plenty of respectful answers.
This is definitely an international community and know that incontinence is an ongoing problem no matter where you live.
I don't think the nighttime sweating and the incontinence are really related (at least I haven't heard of anything like that) but it does beg to have a doctor told about it and check it out as soon as possible.
There are good suggestions here about how to deal with it until you can discuss this fully with a doctor since everybody here has had lots of experience and we're glad to share what we know.
But please know you aren't the only one this is happening to and when you stop in to see us we all know where you're coming from!! And we are available any time night or day!!
The sweating and incontinence can be related because a lack of estrogen can cause both.

@JSSSSCC Sounds like you and I have the same airflow arrangement! One of my former roommates' complaints was that I always had to have the fan on at night. Also, I didn't know those are the initials for a urogynecologist! Maybe that's why I haven't been able to find one (though my PCP says there are none in this state). I will now research again for myself.

@Maymay941 Thanks for the baking soda mattress tip! Somehow, I have yet to wet through to a mattress - wouldn't happen now, but I'm so surprised it didn't in the beginning!!!!!!. I will file this tip away in case it ever *does* happen!

@JSSSSCC Another tip - my brother likes to sleep cold. When he married his now ex-wife, she started sweating in bed like crazy, no medications. They finally determined that she was sweating from *shivering* all night long. So then she used more blankets than he did, and the problem was solved. I have had this experience a few times in the winter, as well - the shivering causing sweating. It is so gross and cold to wake up in the winter with wet sheets and/or clothing, no matter what the fluid was!

Please keep us posted as you progress with diagnosis!
@Sprung87 thanks, I will try an Under Armor tshirt to sleep in!

@Dmorris thank you for your advice and support. Will try looking into an endocrinologist for sure.

@billliveshere thank you for the warm welcome and words of encouragement and support.
@Snow....Visit the AUGS website (American Urogynecology Society). They have a physician finder. I can't say if it's complete but it's certainly a great place to start. I had trouble too but noticed that many large hospitals or teaching hospital have a urogyn just might have to poke a around a bit to find it.

I have a had a very rough go with Stage 3 breast cancer. The chemo messed with my internal thermostat and it also threw me into menopause (not to mention pelvic floor issues). Like your ex SIL, I have a stack of blankets and a fan. on-off-on-off all night long!

Anyway, I've learned about all sorts of specialists during this time.
I have no idea about the full body sweats. I’ve worn thick cloth diapers with plastic pants for my extreme bedwetting problems, my whole life. I went to a couple of urologists from 18-22 and all they wanted to do was medicate, which did nothing. Finally saw one that knew what to do and diD a quite evasive through urodynamic study discovering I had a neurogenic bladder and without “trying” surgery (unsure of weather it would help or not) my nightime and daytime troubles were not something I could control. I was told my bladder reacts pretty much like a babies, and protection was the best alternative. So here I am.
@JSSSSCC You are sooooooo amazing; thank you for the AUGS website; such a breakthrough for me!!!!!!

I’m sorry to hear of your cancer and thermal regulation troubles. I had a 3/4” wide benign cyst in my left breast at my first mammogram. Nothing like that runs in my family so I totally thought the mammo would be fine. Nope! I was so shocked when they called to tell me I had to go back! This happened within two weeks of also getting the back-to-back reproductive cancer and skin cancer diagnoses. Talk about midlife shock!!!!! Even though it was benign, it had to come out, then the metal marker was placed. Cutely, mine is the shape of the breast cancer ribbon. Even though those surgery holes were minor, the recovery actually hurt more and for longer than I expected. So I have some small sense of the breast pain you must be experiencing. I can imagine that itself making sleeping painful!!!!! How did you find the lump, via self-test, or mammogram? Does breast cancer run in your family?

Thank you for sharing your information.
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