Bladder retraining


Staff member
Hi, my 88 yo mother had a stroke 3 months ago which has left her paralysed on her right side and unable to communicate verbally. She is assisted in every aspect of her living and now care staff are suggesting a Super Pubic Catheter to replace the IDC. there is a divide in the family over this as it was suggested that her incontinence may improve.
Bladder training was raised at some stage but I was under the impression that this could only happen with someone who was able to get themselves to the toilet and had proper brain function.
Has anybody gone through this scenario?
I did decades of home health care for elderly and in gerontology your 88 year old mother is in the category of Ancient. The family often is well meaning but loses sight of the need of a very elderly person to just be kept comfortable. Not what is convenient for care givers, not asked to strain and try to regain life skills to apease the family.
This is still HER life and HER body and unless she is strenuously attempting to regain skills her physical comfort serenity and dignity are the most important parts of her. She is in a very vulnerable state where these things are easily brushed aside daily so hopefully the family will come together to focus on her comfort above all else.
Super Public Catheter? IDC? I understand about the bladder training, but what did the medical types say about her future progress for the stroke? In light of what MayMay said; she is always worth listening to. Can your mother communicate at all, does she seem to understand? Do you have a "yes-no" communication set up?
What i don't understand is why the Super Public Catheter is less comfortable, partly because i don't understand the difference. I'd difenently go with the comfort-and-dignity option unless there is sound medical reasons bu qualified medical personnel.
How qualified is that Care Staff, how comfortable are you & the family with them, and who, if anyone, is influencing their issues? Their convenience? No offense, but is it the family?
My mother didn't quite get to that stage & and lived longer, but there was a reason I tried to influence her decision of which facility she ended up in. Lucked out, the place turned out well for her, she was able to communicate, but we were still 800 miles apart and a lot of dollars transportation costs apart.
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