AUS follow up and progress


Staff member
Briefly in November 2020 I had a radical prostatectomy in February through April 2021 had radiation. 14 months following the surgery incontinence did not improve despite physical therapy active performance of Kegels and good health measures.
About two months ago I underwen AUS surgery at Washington University school of medicine St Louis by Dr. Gregory Murphy.
Healing was over six weeks with some discomfort and pain around the testicular area.
Recently the gadget was opened on a visit to Dr. Murphy . It has been an amazing result.complete control of incontinence not even leakage of any urine. I stopped wearing pads.
This surgery is only for those who have had significant incontinence four or more pads a day and that incontinence has persisted for over one year and did not improve significantly with all the usual conservative measures . The surgery was about an hour and 15 minutes and it involved a small abdominal incision and one around the scrotal area.
I would strongly recommend it but only under the guidelines that I outlined earlier in this note,
Good luck to everyone involved in this support group .
Thank you. So glad all went well. I had a very similar situation a year before you- surgery and later radiation with minor leakage (1-2 pads daily). I recently had the male sling surgery and it was 100% successful. What a godsend it was- but you have to be the right candidate.
Marcel, welcome to the club....had mine done in 2014 and the cuff area eroded in 2021. Had it removed, waited to heal and had another one implanted in Nov., 2021. Activate Dec., 28th. and my life is normal again. Good luck!!
JohnAM said:
Marcel, welcome to the club....had mine done in 2014 and the cuff area eroded in 2021. Had it removed, waited to heal and had another one implanted in Nov., 2021. Activate Dec., 28th. and my life is normal again. Good luck!!
Hey john so glad to hear you got the new device and back to normal again..i just went to see a new Dr who also does aus surgery.she couldnt believe how much came out when she asked me to cough hard even with having a sling surgery ..Although i am nervous about it and getting this device this seems to be the only solution i have or live like this the rest of my life ...keep me posted on your journey
Marcel: Thanks for sharing the good news.I am 4 yrs since removing my prostate and ended up with a massive infection which did not allow the bladder neck to close.i ended up incontinent and was told getting a sling surgery which i feel i was never a candidate for would help me the dr saidI.I was changing 4 -5 times a day. well needless to say i am still leaking changing still needing to wear pads during the day snd pull up at night and still changing 4-5 times a day and my only option now is the Aus...i am very nervous about this whole surgery since i have already been cut down there 3 times ...If i dont then i live lime this the rest of my being i am only 55.Seem like my only alternative .keep us posted on your journey
Hi Tyler
Thanks for reaching out and so sorry for the incontinence and the problems that go along with it the past several years. Sling surgery is not effective if you are changing four or more pads a day. After 13 months of incontinence the chances of significant improvement was slim.
AUS surgery has been a procedure for at least the past 30 years. It is effective. I was like you hesitant and did not want to go through a second surgery but I am glad I did. It was a one hour or so procedure and I was in the hospital for 23 hours.
The recovery involved some pain in the incision around the scrotal area but gradually resolved over about a four week period of time. Extra strength Tylenol 1 g a two or three times a day was effective. For the first time in about a year and a half I am completely dry do not use any pads at this time and do not expect to do so as long as the surgery holds which is usually 6 to 10 years .
I would encourage you to seek a consultation with a urologist that has done at least 40 or more of these surgeries a year and has success behind him. Good luck to you but please look into taking care of this problem
MoretoLearn-- Age 83

Just joined today. From the general comments already read, I am happy to join this group of sensitive, considerate, and helpful fellows.

Am considering early April 2022 Implant of the AUS 800 with procedure to be done by a city based Teaching Hospital Doc with many similar cases each year. Most of his procedures follow cancerous prostate removal (75%) while I fit in the remaining 25% who had far simpler urology surgery that involved, not cancer, but severe strain incontinence.

1. I am interested in learning of the experience, both PRO and CON, of Implanted AUS 800 patients that did not have cancerous prostates first removed.

2. What were the Problems experienced and what could you have discussed with Doc beforehand to reduce the problems you experienced.

Thanks fellows.

MoretoLearn, I recently had my 2nd AUS implanted since the first one eroded the urethra around the cuff area after 7 years. Mine was from a prostate removal so I don't know much about your incontinence. All I can tell you is that if there are no other options, this is the gold standard to correct incontinence.
Hello John is your 2nd device working for you ..I am most likely going to have mine implanted at the end of April ..hope all is well.
Tyler, working fine like the first one. If this was an advertisement, I would say "You can't live without it"!! Good luck, keep us posted and feel free to contact me any time.
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