And the whole town has no power.


Staff member
Just freaking great. Have to keep running to the bathroom and then the power goes out. Though is was just my appointment but nope whole town has no power. 😖. This is going to suck.
It's just one awful thing after another. You must be pretty irritated about all this stuff FLGuy. My 18 year old washing machine pump went out and the timer on the dryer was not working right plus the door was sprung so I had to buy a new set. I was irritated about that development but what you've been going through is multiple times worse. You have a lot of spunk to deal with all this in such a matter-of-fact way. I'm glad this chat room is here for you to vent and be validated by us, your online friends.
I HATE power outages! I’m a knitter so I keep a flexible shop light that I can put around my neck, so I can at least knit
Well it's finally back on. Worst part of have Philips hue smart lighs, when the power goes back on so do my lights I had just fallen asleep as I hate sleeping without a fan and boom blinding lights.
Blessings, I thank the Lord for everyday and all the challengers it brings. It is all temporary, not eternal.
power outages suck. thankfully, where I am, they don't happen often- but when they do,, I'm ready with a book and just sit down reading.

the longest one I ever had was only a day, and that was over christmas a few years ago (well I think actually it was a day and a bit), usually they last a few hours if that
We had an ice storm in the Kansas City Metro area while I was recovering from the first of my many eye surgeries. We knew it would be a long time for the city to recover. So we drove to a nearby motel and booked a room. Parts of the city were out for a month. Lots of damage!

We moved in 2010 to another suburb. We installed a whole-house generator that runs on natural gas. This town has only lost power for a few hours over the past 11 years. The generator kicked on automatically every time. Praise God for His mercy!

No, I don't think it has paid for itself, but it's one less thing to worry about.
You are so right about that, Barbara. With faith, it's so much easier to see this all as an adventure. Not always fun, and oftentimes scary or painful, but it's all in one's perspective.
I'm definitely not a big fan of power outages myself!!! The worst one was a few years ago with hurricane Irma. My place was only out for less than 48 hours which was bad enough. But the nature center where I volunteer is only about 4 miles away and there was no power for a solid two weeks! We couldn't have visitors of course but the worst thing was no air conditioning for the museum and exhibits. That leads to mites coming in and damaging the feathers and fur on our taxidermied animals. So that's something but most people don't think about in a power outage but for a natural history museum it is a big problem.
I was relatively fortunate. But at Trout Lake, with having no juice for 2 weeks and the ironic thing was Duke Energy had a staging area with trucks galore and crews from all over the country only just over a mile down the road at the fairgrounds yet it still took 2 weeks to get power to the nature center. I remember our director went to the staging area to try to find out when we'd get our power back.
But being without for 10 days must have seemed an eternity to you. I know a two-person family who lived in a neighborhood of mobile homes and the power lines there were decimated by a couple of huge trees. It was easily several days before they got any power back.
I was at the special needs shelter at the time. We got a cot. They kick me out because having a c-pap doesn't quality us anymore. bummer. They came and picked us up and then dropped us off. I heard that some of the guys in the park went to talk to our power company which is FPL. The said a tree was down on one of the lines. A bunch of guys from our park got together and went in a truck to remove the tress. FPL then worked and bough power back to our place. Lucky or common sense I didn't leave anything in the refrigerator. I am using up everything now because late August-September is Hurricane touch down for us here in SW FL. Last year was pretty safe, I have no idea what this year will bring. We are starting to get some needed rain-yea. I cannot life anything for 3 months because of my shoulder surgery and so this was done on June 8, 2021. If it looks bad-I need to fly out of here by the time the hurricanes start to come. I have friends in IL. I can go stay with. I am not suppose to travel though. The surgeon told me it takes a full 6 months to heal. I am trying to be a good girl. This was suppose to be workmen comp but they didn't want to do the surgery because the PA I first had-did not recognize it. They sent me for second opinion and I did not try to sell it to them. I had it done though Medicare and I have a policy which is no longer available. NO deductibles or co- pays for around $210 per month. With my brain tumor and all the MRI's I had-it is worth it to me. Besides-no paper work. yea. I pray no hurricanes this year.
Well we'll just keep on praying for no hurricanes this year!!! We dodged a bullet last year! Hopefully we'll do the same this year. I really DO NOT LIKE hurricanes!!!! Next to tornadoes it is the worst form of weather. Living inland is some consolation but hey, Florida is just a narrow and skinny peninsula with not much in the way of hills so it is pretty much fair game to a hurricane!! If a hurricane moves from south to north in the middle it may lose strength but only by a little bit.
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