That is what my insurance claim rep said. The thing for me is that I have already been on disability Short/Long for over a year. I am at 30+ doctor/hospital visits in 18 months and that is without counting Physical therapy.
My claim is complicated but I have enough wrong it is crazy and sadly doctors have not been able to fix what is wrong.
I cannot function without my medication. With the medication, I have more incontinence issues. The fact is that doctors feel that I will never be able to function without medication and I will need an ostomy sooner or later. Nothing has been done about the pain, and I am lucky when I can stand up for a full hour a day. After that my back hurts a lot. I can still get to the bathroom but I sit a lot.
The big thing is that I still have not seen a neurologist yet but that will happen.
My PT knows that I have a nerve issue in both my rectum as well as my lower abs.
Now it is just getting all the paperwork to one place and then seeing what they say.