A new one for me


Staff member
So last night I wet myself again, happening about once a month at the moment. Only last night was different - I normally dream I'm in bathroom and wake feeling my muscles operating. Last night I wasn't dreaming (or if I was can't remember what it was about), I woke to the feeling that something was trickling out of me, no muscles involved at all, got up and sure enough I was wet (just me not the bed as I was lying on my side). Anyone had this. It concerns me that my body didn't seem to be doing anything to help the urine out - it felt a bit like when I had a fibroid and was passing large blood clots.
Sorry this happened to you. I only experienced this once and was when I had consumed too much cider from the night before. Never again!
That is how my night incontinence feels to me as if the muscles are relaxed and it trickles or poursas if a water balloon was lying on a table
Maymay941 said:
That is how my night incontinence feels to me as 8f the muscles are relaxed and it trickles or poursas if a water balloon was lying on a table
Thanks Maymay - it's good to know that I'm not the only one who has experienced this - I was rather concerned that I may be becoming fully incontinent.
Zigzag I started nocturnal incontience as a mature adult with no clear cause but it sems to be a function of how I relax into sleep and once it starts it is as though I had a water balloon inside me open and it comes and goes all night. If there was an emergency that I needed to get up out of bed it would not stop and I would either struggle to stand up peeing or have to wait for the current flow to stop of its own. Thankfully I have not had an emergency outside my supine body this is just to illustrate how powerless I feel
@Zigzag1 That happens to me every night. I go to sleep in a dry diaper and when I wake i'm soaked and have no memory of ever of needing to go, I also dream a lot and none of my dreams involve a restroom are anything similar.I think one time out of 100 I remember seeing a toilet, but thats about it😑.Seems to happen mostly when Im slightly on my side and back at the same time, Im mostly a back sleeper.
I get up 2-4 times at night to pee, but it is always the one when I wake for the morning. Not a flood, just enough to annoy me, the small pad usually suffient. I know it will happen and don't always take precautions when getting out of bed, probably not alert enough, yet.
I know what you mean about not being alert enough if you have to get out of bed in the middle of the night. The only time recently when I was really alert getting out of bed was when the smoke detector out in the hall had a low battery and it screeched at me! For some reason those things always happen in the middle of the night when you're sound asleep!
I'm curious... How many of you who started bedwetting in your adult years, were also bedwetters as children??

I was a bedwetter until my mid teens, and the doctor back then told me it might be an issue again in my older adult years. Sure enough, he was right.,, It started becoming a regular issue again a few years ago, now I wake up with a wet diaper pretty much every morning. After several different tests revealed no physical causes, the docs seem to mark it up to genetics.
I wet the bed when I was younger and always had to know where the bathroom was during the day.
The bed wetting stopped briefly for a few years in my late teens and came back in my 20s, still having to be near a restroom as before during the day.
Still have issues in my 50’s.
Over my lifetime I’ve tried different meds, Botox injections, acupuncture, chiropractic care, had urodynamic testing and over the counter natural supplements.
Genetics could be a contributing factor, diabetes too. Botox is painful and expensive for the short time it helped but it did get rid of the urge really well.
Been using absorbents or a catheter for the majority of life so I can work and have a life. Sure beats being stuck at home all the time or those lovely wet pants and seat episodes we all dread.
Another angle is some folks had linked incontinence to a childhood sexual abuse or some form of bullying incident.
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